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WE Gas Blow Back M4A1 Carbine

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Yeeeey it arrived !!


First of all let me just say that what i'll post now is just my first impressions, opinions and quick "facts" that i found during my initial "inspection" and by no means is a in depth review. Now that we've put that out in the open .... FUCLKGIUGNG FINALLY !!


The first thing you notice when picking it up from the box is how damn light the thing is :o I was surprised to see how light it is compared to my old M16 AWSS, so i picked one of my AWSS M4's ( vanilla ) and compared the two on a scale. Surprise surprise, the M16VN weighted the same as the much shorter M4 that didn't have any trigger group installed and has a partly steel outer barrel ( compared to the M16VN that came with a potmetal *?* one ).


The weight of it surprised me a lot and how flimsy the receiver looked/felt to the touch ... even the old AWSS felt "beefier" and found myself a bit disappointed while i was comparing the old AWSS receiver to the receiver found on the M16. But after i cooled down and the "omfg moment" dissipated i put some thought to it and couldn't find a reason why the new receiver was so much lighter than the crappy AWSS v1 receiver and decided to give one for the team and went to get a x-acto. I scraped the old AWSS receiver and saw a dull grey colour denoting that it was the zinc alloy i was expecting, i then did the same to the new receiver and gladly found a very bright shiny grey, this means of course that the receiver is actually mostly aluminium !


But since that now the BCG, charging handle, outer barrel and and how there's no steel parts on a removable carrying handle allied with such a lightweight aluminium upper receiver, you can't shake off that feeling of "how can this be so lightweight and still be strong enough not to brake as soon as i play with it ?!?". It's still a aluminium cast tough but fortunately the outer finish is almost perfect without any blemishes, cast marks and the surface is VERY smooth. Tt has a very shiny finish though ... it is the totally opposite of my old AFC dull grey AWSS receiver.


I can only see two differences in the lower receiver, the new bolt stop and that the auto sear is a couple of mm shorter ( and it looks like it is just an old AWSS sear that was filled down to spec ) and all other dimensions appear to be the same but i'll have to disassemble it first to be sure.


The steel parts appear to be:


  • Charging Handle Latch
  • Delta Ring
  • Takedown Pins
  • Flashider
  • Bolt Stop



The rest is a mix of potmetal, aluminium and plastic. Now the really bad part of this gun ... the plastic used on the handguards are ######, pure stinking ######. It looks like they made them out of plastic bags that were melted down and formed into the shape of handguards. And of course, since the material is balls and the fact that the gun came disassembled in 2 parts, my handguard set came obliterated from the transport :lol:


The BCG although being potmetal actually appears to be able to last quite a while ! Unlike the ###### poor attempted of reinforcing the potmetal carrier on the g39/SCAR with a tiny cube of steel, the AR carrier has a long strip of steel that goes from the bottom of the carrier right until to the middle of it, being surrounded with the rest of the carrier and only a small part of it actually interfaces with the bolt stop, not only that but the reinforced part of the carrier is a just a tiny bit larger than the rest of the carrier. But only time will tell how long the original carrier will last, although Ra-Tech already has a steel bcg in the works.


And now the interesting part ... how does it shoot ? Beautifully ... i just gassed up the mag, put some .25g BB's on it and went shooting on the usual spot. In the first couple of mags there were a few flyers ( the hop up came DRENCHED in silicone oil ) but after that the thing was shooting laser straight with .25g BB's and easily passing the 70m mark ( where i shoot i have a measured landmark at 80m and the BB's were falling very short of it ). This is how the WE M4 should have been made from day 1 !!


The 20 round VN magazine really is a one piece design, there's no shell ! It comes leak free though and handled 30ºC propane just fine, it cools down like crazy and even with on this weather became VERY cold to the touch after fully dumping the mag. Surprisingly though it didn't have any measurable effect on the performance and the gun performed flawlessly without any hiccups :eh: But only time will tell if this is a problem or not, it's so hot outside that even a really cold mag might not do any "damage".


I'll be taking a few nice pictures of it during the weekend and if time allows, i will try to transplant the internal bit into my old AFC receiver and see what changed, what is compatible and what isn't. Stay tuned :wave:



Pardon me if you find some typos and/or grammatical errors but it's 23h into the night and i'm of course tired from work :lol:


PS v2:

As soon as i get a nice batch of purty pictures i'll make a separate thread and do a more in depth review, unless the mods think otherwise ?

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Just a note on the foregrips of the M16-A1 ,theyare identical to the real ones we compared them to. same plastic and same seam lines . I would go as far as to say they didn't make any of their own and instead decided to buy a load of real foregrips . Even the heat sheild is identical .

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Just a note on the foregrips of the M16-A1 ,theyare identical to the real ones we compared them to. same plastic and same seam lines . I would go as far as to say they didn't make any of their own and instead decided to buy a load of real foregrips . Even the heat sheild is identical .


That's good to know and geez ... they had quite the poor plastics back then :P

Edited by danielsilva
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oh, just found it over at the ra-tech site. my google fu must be at a bbq party somewhere

might order some extra "loading nozzles" so i can try modifying like the guides for pdw and M14.

oh, and the NPAS itself :)

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Just ordered the open chamber CQBR from airsoft global, came to about £240 shipped, and got the NPAS on the way from tactical quarter master. TQM say they'll start having the open bolt ARs in a couple of weeks, at around £300.


Also, do we think it's worth starting a new thread for the Open chamber ARs? I have to say it, this thread is incredibly bloated...

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And yeeeeeeeeeey ... not even a thousand rounds and the damn thing is already borked <_<

As of now i have no auto on my M16, i mean ... i do have auto but it's completely useless. After checking and rebuilding the damn rifle trying to fix the issue to no avail, i noticed something strange on the carrier and voilá ! The spot where the carrier first meets with the hammer not only is it dinged, it's completely obliterated! It's like a freakin crater.


So now i'm stuck with semi because the hammer just gets stuck in there and makes full auto completely unreliable. POS ... <_<

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That sucks danielsilva; *fruitcage* WE and their *fruitcage*ing pot metal.




Thanks for the heads up; their site is a complete disaster but I was eventually able to place an order as a guest (registration wasn't working); I was sent to Paypal by the site to pay for my goods, and received an email request for the shipping fee twenty minutes later. FYI it was $32 for EMS to the USA for one $75 kit, I wasn't given an airmail option.


So besides the mag kits I still need an open bolt CQBR barrel; is there another option besides RAtech?

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So what is it doing under auto?

Sticking completely or just stuttering?


It's like it's getting caught up on something, it either stutters slowly, vents all gas or doesn't reset the trigger. The only reason i'm giving it another chance is because in semi the *badgeress* functions normally, with huge range and very good precision ( considering it's using the stock barrel ).


I just ordered a new set of nozzles to see if that fixes the problem. If anything i'll make a semi only dmr out of it <_<

Edited by danielsilva
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