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A&K SVD PICT'O'RAMA + first look

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Sorry for an ignorant question, but searching hasn't yeilded any results. What hop up rubbers can you use? AEG?


hm... don't think so:




btw. this picture was taken from the best review of this asg :




great work!



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actually, it does take AEG buckings. the type in this gun is just ~1.5cm shorter and has a v cut.


i actually said this on the first page.


to quell the barrel wobble, all i had to do is add a little bit of tape to the left side of the barrel, just in front of where the left side grub screw contacts the barrel. then i tightened the screws down like a mother *fruitcage*. now, (visually) my barrel is straight and it doesnt move. the ammout of tape i used was actually very small. i used regular electrical tape i bought at the dollar store.


ill show it in a pic when i get around to writing the take down guide.

Edited by Horsem4n
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nope never herd of this make but got to be worth a go every company starts with good press



Sorry to burst your bubble but i bought three of the Military Action ones and two came bent.. (The two shortest ones too.. so nobody say "Must've bent in shipping" 'cause if it could've bent the short ones how'd the long one survive)


Anyway, i am really interested to find out if anybody can find midcaps for these.. or if the Classic Army ones fit.. otherwise i was just going to turn the hicaps into midcaps (Plastic.. ew) or modify the RS ones..

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Sorry to burst your bubble but i bought three of the Military Action ones and two came bent.. (The two shortest ones too.. so nobody say "Must've bent in shipping" 'cause if it could've bent the short ones how'd the long one survive)


Anyway, i am really interested to find out if anybody can find midcaps for these.. or if the Classic Army ones fit.. otherwise i was just going to turn the hicaps into midcaps (Plastic.. ew) or modify the RS ones..



im hopeing not but they have said some of the barrels has a 1mm bend in the tollorance in the outer barrel will sort that out for the price i am not to fussed. t


he one barrel that made it was it any good??????

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im hopeing not but they have said some of the barrels has a 1mm bend in the tollorance in the outer barrel will sort that out for the price i am not to fussed. t


he one barrel that made it was it any good??????



it wasent toooo bad.. i've definitely had better. I ended up giving it a light polish anyway to smooth it out a bit more which definitely improved it

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Mine arrived today. Pulled it apart immediately, checked everything over, then put it back together and lightly tightened everything nicely.


Chrono results with a new spring, using TM .2g bb's















Accuracy is pretty impressive, and the hopup unit is a really ingenious design allowing for LOTS of hop adjustment.


My one slight issue i can see happening is that the hop unit is only held in by two 4mm grub screws, these lock into a groove on the hop unit. The hop unit takes a bit of a hit whenever the piston fires.. so i can see the barrel slipping forward after a few hundred shots.



Also, i've successfully converted the plastic hi-Cap magazine into a Mid-Cap mag (28rds (Effectively 25rds as you waste 2-3 bbs)


*Note: i added the last one to see if anybody would spot it*

Edited by Bane
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Custom 28rd midcap..


Just using the original Hi-cap magazine.. dont need much else other than that. I used the spring, follower and guide rod from an old TM FAMAS magazine but you can definitely improvise (The TM Famas mag had the longer follower to feed all the rounds, hence why i used it)




As you can see in the photo, reaally simple. Gut the magazine, pull the clockwork spring out and the gear on the side. File/snap/shave all the "teeth" off the remaining feed-bit and glue that back into the magazine to give you a channel for the bb's to run through.


Then, take your bit of plastic/wood/metal thats the same diameter as the inside of the spring and glue that at the very end of the track.


Add spring + follower, and your done.


I used superglue because it was all that was available at the time (9:30 at night, come on) used a bit of wire aswell to give the spring guide some reinforcement, and slathered the whole thing in glue. Rock solid now. Feeds perfectly and i only waste 1 bb in the transition from mag - hop


No cure for the Plastic-Fantasticness, unfortunately, but this is a start i guess.

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Before I get flamed I know the PSL and SVD mags are different, but not by much.



No intent on flaming whatsoever, but the PSL mags are quite different to actual SVD mags.. the PSL is romanian-made, and is effectively an AK-47 receiver elongated to take the bigger calibre round, teh SVD on the other hand is a purely seperate design.


The fact the PSL doesent fit also would come down to the fact that most PSL magazines were hand-fitted to the specific rifle, and were serial-numbered for the rifle they were fitted to.

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