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FAMAS Picture Thread

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It's a day/night optic, including video to use for offset shooting or send pictures of a situation to the team/superiors. There might alos be some kind of laser designator IIRC. The latest version is slightly more compact, I've also seen EOTech sights mounted on the top rail. The forward grip includes GUI/communication commands, pressed with the thumb.

Note that the BDUs in the pic are still in CE camo, whereas the latest verions of FELIN (Fantassin a Equipements et Liaisons INtegrees - integrated equipments and networks infantryman) sports the next gen camo, no more black or very clear beige.

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Hey guys. I decided to take on the FA MAS, and picked up the TM SV. Upgrading and tweaking the gun will be my summer project. So far I have machined a short barrel adapter. I think I can cram an AK length tightbore in there. I have also added some ABS bulkheads to strengthen the lower receiver where the outer barrle attaches, as I feel that this area is very weak structurally. Additionally I will try to attach the carry handle more securely to the lower receiver. I had a box of Star 85rnd midcaps that were too wide to fit into my Armalites' receivers, but thy fit in the MAS mag well quite nicely, after a couple cuts.



At this point the gun is just pieced together for the pics, eventually the lower receiver halves will be cemented together, and the hop unit will be modded so that it can be slid out the back, instead of screwed in. Gearbox mods will follow the structure mods...probably about the time I finish this G&G will have a G2 release date <_<

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  • 1 month later...
So far I have machined a short barrel adapter.

You made that yourself? Would you be willing to make more? Can you make one with 14mm CCW threads? I've just been thinking about this myself. I made this, tell me what you guys think:



It's a bit overdone right now, I wouldn't use that scope, and probably not that front handle, but I like the front end a lot.


The main reason I'm posting though is because I just finished installing a new magnum motor in my FAMAS. Took a bit longer then I thought it would, but I didn't really think much about how long it would take. It's not professional in any sense of the word, very amateur, but I had lots of fun making it, and surprisingly it works. Anyways, on to the pics...

First, remove the EG560:






Second, remove EG560 mount:





Third, mark the new mount:








Fourth, form the mount:






Fifth, fit the new mount:










Sixth, solder in the new motor(this is what really took a long time, and was difficult, when I cut out the EG560 the wires weren't long enough for the magnum):









All just in time for a big 2 day game tomorrow. The only problem I've had(other than soldering) is that the but pad no longer fits. I'll figure out a better solution later, but for now, it's about 1/2 inch back, and I've glued it, and Im gonna just cover the gap with tape.



Oh, and I almost forgot dliberty(you thought you could get away with posting a pic, and no one would comment on your background?) we've got that same table on our back porch.

Edited by dismemberd
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Nice work dismembered! I wanted to build a new motor mount for my 'MAS also, but I didn't want to sacrafice the stock length to get the motor to fit. I purchased a JP FAMAS in hopes of using it's gearbox with the standard motor mount, but they cheated to get the thing to fit. (Let me know if anyone wants a JP FAMAS F1 :D ) They lengthened the butt stock piece, so their FAMAS is longer than MARUI's. :(

So at this point I will try to see what kind of performance I can get with the EG560. I have milled out the bearing holes and squeezed some 7mm bearings into them, and I am waiting on a set of gears to replace the stock ones. Hopefully the 7mm bearings and an Extreme Fire AB MOSFET will let the 560 pull a decent spring. I also now have 1 Star midcap that fits, 9 more to go. I will put up some pics later today.



Edited by Pzh2000
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I so know what you mean about the wires dismemberd, Cut the back off my gearbox about 2 weeks back now only to find the wires too short! Has taken me this long to get my act together to order some more wire!


As for the buttplate I was planning to use milliput and just extend the original one except with a cutout for the longer motor, I'll get some pics up when its done (also got to put a crane(ish) style battery on the back)

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Thanks a ton for the positive encouragement. The 2 day game was an unbelievable amount of fun, despite the fact that my fire selector now has a bit of a gap, and isn't making a good connection, so full auto came and went. The RoF isn't anything amazing, but there is a definite improvement, and it sounds much smoother, and nicer.


Here is a pic of the final product, in the gun:



As you can see, there is a ton of soldering. Three solders for each wire to the motor. I really don't know much about wiring, but I imagine that is creating at least a significant amount of resistance. I plan on buying some better wiring, and maybe trying to create some sort of low resistance set up, by taking out, or re doing the 2 tamiya connectors, and by only having one piece of wire per motor terminal, instead of having 2 pieces spliced together. If anyone knows a lot about electrical, and wiring can you give me some tips on how to attach the wires to the motor terminals? The solder wouldn't stick.



Here's some pics of me gear'd up with my baby at the event:





gnomerty on the left, me on the right



Me on the left, gnomerty on the right

Edited by dismemberd
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I just ordered my FAMAS, I'll post pics of it on wedensday. I cant wait lol! And Dismembered, my father does wiring for electronics and houses, if you haven't fixed it by the next time I talk to him ill ask him for some info.

Thanks for the offer, but I was able to get everything worked out.


They were out of 16 AWG wiring, so I got some 14 instead. I was hoping I would be able to get the wiring through the gun, without having to completely disassemble it, but it wasn't happening, so here it is, after re wiring it through the gun:



Tearing it down gave me a chance to re-install the tightbore barrel I had previously taken out, and put in my G3, so hopefully that will give it a little more performance as well.


It was just a tad tight, at the point where the wiring goes under the hop-up, but other then that, everything fit pretty well. Here's a pic of the completed back end of the gun:



No fuse, no mini connector, and I feel that after learning a bit about soldering, and getting some better solder, my new ones are much better then they were before, and much fewer too. I've also got deans connectors on as well. Since that picture I have covered up most of the exposed wire, and also moved more to the front, so there isn't that big loop of excess wire in the back, and also give the battery area more lee-way(how do you spell that?). I'm not quite finished, there's still a couple things I need to work out(like getting a the right battery. I think I'm gonna test out those 5,000 mAh batteries they have at cheapbatterypacks.com), but from the initial looks of it, it seems to have worked very well.

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I cant believe I've been neglecting to show you guys this!


Well, my homemade F-ILS (my own FAMAS grenade launcher) was broken when I let a ham-handed idiot use it, so I decided to attempt a "proper" FAMAS + M203, with a SOCOM type.


Behold! The FAM-203!









It's got a HurricanE SP100, Area 1000 bushings, new gear set, and a Guarder silica.


What do you guys think? I know the pics are kind of bad, I can take more if you so desire.



::EDIT:: Thought I'd throw this in.



Edited by Walther Lock
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Just the gun alone doesn't look that good IMHO, but when you're actually holding it, it looks really good.


Where is your battery? I'm interested to see some more pics. Can you get some that aren't as blurry? Also, is that a face on your stock? Looks like you could move the launcher back a little bit if you removed the back barrel mount. If I was you, I would put it as close to the trigger as possible, move your RDS forward, and you'd have a really great piece.

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Just the gun alone doesn't look that good IMHO, but when you're actually holding it, it looks really good.


Where is your battery? I'm interested to see some more pics. Can you get some that aren't as blurry? Also, is that a face on your stock? Looks like you could move the launcher back a little bit if you removed the back barrel mount. If I was you, I would put it as close to the trigger as possible, move your RDS forward, and you'd have a really great piece.


Thanks for your compliments! I'll answer your questions.


The battery goes inside the carry handle, I angle in a large around the grenade grip, and it stays in place by the false screw on top of the grenade grip. Adds a Technological feel to it.


That's not exactly a face, it's a rather muscular deer, I put that sticker on my upgraded AEG's.


The whole point to the FAM-203 was to have the launcher without modifying the FAMAS, so the launcher is in the only position I could fit it without cutting up the FAMAS trigger plate, or interfering with the launcher's stroke. If you look at the flash hider, you'll notice that it's further forward than the original, I had to remove the original flash hider, so that I could put the front lug on, and then JB weld an aluminum birdcage flash onto the launcher's front lug.


The RDS is actually in the position it's in for a specific reason, it's very high up and very far back, so that I can aim through the RDS without shouldering the weapon, I can hold the gun very comfortably, and still aim through the scope without twisting my neck, it also allows for the use of a large mask.



i personally think that is a masterpiece, and i DEMAND more good quality pics! that is amazing



Thanks a barrel! I'll dust off my EOS10D and take some high quality shots.


You'll notice the black electrical tape near the trigger, this is to cover up the gap that is usually covered by the foregrip, I am going to cut some plasticard in the future to cover that up more professionally.


Pics soon to follow!

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The pics are MUCH clearer. I see now, it's more complicated then I thought. Very interesting too, and original as well.


Is there actually zoom on that scope, or is it just an RDS?


Yeah, just a regular RDS aimpoint, but I love it.


how secure is it?



Wobbles from left to right just a tit, but it is on there.

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