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Suggestion: Technical forum split (or subforums)

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Simple to suggest, probably a nightmare to implement.


Split the technical forum into two seperate subforums (excluding projects/pistols) and have quite simply 'electrical' and 'mechanical', then the relevant threads moved into the correct forum.


Electrical subforum for all electrics, batteries, chargers, mosfets, wiring, etc etc etc


mechanical for gears, compression, springs and the like.


Just an idea.





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"My AEG wont cycle? Why? Weak battery/broken whatever?"


Where do you place that?


Otherwise i like it.


Most people post topics like this in the newbie discussion forum anyway.

Good suggestion, but almost impossible to implement without archiving all of the old topics and starting anew.

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I'm afraid I'm with popular opinion here.


I already think the forum has a lot of unecessary sections (see 'The Game') which confuse matters considerably. If it weren't for the fact previous Admins had implemented them, I'd be inclined to merge a lot of sections.

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