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Videogames we wont see


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1, The story of Sledge when he got locked out of his apartment naked....


2, Duke F*ckem.


3. Half 1337.


4. Super Mario : the land of drugs and other forbidden things.


5. Tellitubies shoot out.


6. thomas the train engine, and the Dafool who planted mines on his railway tracks.


7 Battle Field secret things of microwaving food.

8. tanga man

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WW1 stratagy game: Control up to 100,000 men at a time, select across whole screen and send to attack at enemy treches with no effect. Pick up bonuses from no mans land such as tanks and gas which have no discernamble sffect at all. P>S this game cannot be completed.

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Actually it's due out this year. ;)


I kid you not, there was an article in PC Gamer about it being due *fairly* soon, and work is progressing nicely with it.


Also, Prey is back! Oh yes! :P



They will get us all hyped and then delay it all again for some crappy reason such as "they feel like it"

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erm my idea for a game would be


Wedgie game:


few of your mates sit round and a machine is attached to your pants, .. your mate then selects how powerful the wedgie is going to be, after it is selected then a countdown is given and the wedgie is delivered with due effect.


power rating goes like this:


*beep* wedgie - for wussys

Medium wedgie - average child wedgie

Maximum wedgie - harder, alot more painful

Hardcore wedgie - rips your pants off you

Atomic wedgie - watch your mate cry with pain :P



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