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the armson oeg is a single point, the same one that was sold in the uk , if you look at the sontay photos you can see the red single point lettering on the rear of the sight


FYI: Single Point is not a type of OEG, but a manufacturer in the UK. Armson is an American company that make OEG's...they're two different companies. I've never used an Armson OEG, but I understand they are different from Single Point's.


Single Point daylight OEG with their AR15 strap mount - as far as I know Armson never made these:



Here -> Armson

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More glory shots. Good sunlight outside, so you can see how (at least to me) the ATACS works well in the rocks as well as in the grass. Still not set on painting the receiver too, but my buddy is getting an AUG A3 soon and I'll be painting the entirety of that.







Edited by Leon Kennedy
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Looks like a gun on the ground to me.


But saying that, the ATACS paint job looks pretty good as it must be quite hard to replicate by hand.


I appreciate it. I mostly do CQB and I run a PMC loadout so hiding isn't necessarily one of my priorities; I just did it to have something a little different than others. Of course it doesn't blend in well in my (finely manicured) midwestern lawn, but I dare you to find one that would in the summer sun. I've never played airsoft on a golf course, and I don't intend to, so until then I'll stay away from the bright green paint jobs.


The magazines aren't as pretty as the furniture; they were my trial runs. I'm real excited to do this AUG though.

Edited by Leon Kennedy
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I believe the total was around $520-530ish shipped to my door with express shipping and a pack of MAG brand midcaps. (100 bones for shipping, 40 for the mags) As for the comparison between the PTW and the AEG version, they're pretty much exactly the same aesthetically as I just swap out the doo-dads between the two. Performance wise the PTW is pretty much a PTW and the AEG an AEG. It's kinda complicated comparing the two to one another.


I will say that VFC definitely makes the nicest Mk18 rail I've seen to date as the color and overall ''solidness'' of the rail is pretty close to the real thing. I've seen a probably 10-15 of them on friends' guns and none have been as close as this one to the real thing. Another nice thing is that it fits flush with the VFC upper as others I've seen have had height and fitment issues.


@Kojak- I thought about doing that, but I figured I might as just wait for the FDE sight to be shipped out. I can only use one gun at a time unfortunately. :D


Thanks shipping info and the input on the externals, hopefully I can order one soon.

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M4 CQC, king Arms based



Now that looks bloody nice. +1


my newest toy......


Top M4 shell ejecting AEG with 6 mags and a bucket load of shells


Heh, nice one, good effort mate. Look forward to lots of slo-mo videos, I know that's what I'd be making with one of those.

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it's FUN to shoot but other than that I haven't had a chance to mess around with it to see what fits where.

I know the front barrel unscrews at the front sight making it CQB sized but the inner barrel pokes out by 3 inches once it's removed so a new shorter inner would be required if you want to do a CQB.

The stock tube is compatable with TM sliding stocks as I've tried one on it.


receiver is unbranded and is ideal for getting it etched to whatever make/type you want.

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