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Non-believer vs School Chaplain


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For those who don't know the guy who writes this, David Thorne, is a comic writer in Australia.




His more famous ones are his payment as a 7-legged spider and his pie charts.


EDIT: Reread his pie chart one - I couldn't stop laughing.



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Eh. I used to be like this, then I graduated from Middle School. I dunno, I just don't see the point in being a *rickroll* to someone for no reason


Meh, the guy he is writing too is a deluded idiot and I'd be inclined to drop it until the patronising return e-mails from the Christian Volunteer then all semblance of being nice is off. It's a pretty good takedown of the sheer idiocy of some Christians and their general beliefs.

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Deluded? Because he's Christian? I'm not a Christian, but surely we've developed to the point where we can, you know, let people be? Whats the point in attacking someone who believes differently? You obviously won't change their mind. The Chaplain was actually a lot more polite than I would have been, considering the guy was being a total *rickroll* to him

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Deluded? Because he's Christian?




I'm not a Christian, but surely we've developed to the point where we can, you know, let people be?


Yeah as long as they let us be.


Whats the point in attacking someone who believes differently? You obviously won't change their mind. The Chaplain was actually a lot more polite than I would have been, considering the guy was being a total *rickroll* to him


Well in this case the point was comedy (e.g. ridiculing rediculous beliefs) and probably the offense that receiving a pre-ticked permission slip caused. As I said I had sympathy with the Christian Volunteer until his facade dropped and he started saying things like "it would be a pity for Seb to miss out on the important message of hope that the story of the resurrection gives".

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Deluded? Because he's Christian? I'm not a Christian, but surely we've developed to the point where we can, you know, let people be? Whats the point in attacking someone who believes differently? You obviously won't change their mind. The Chaplain was actually a lot more polite than I would have been, considering the guy was being a total *rickroll* to him

Try telling that to the religionists, it is there duty to try and "save your sole" (I always use a fridge, much better to keep my sole fresh) and the earlier they can start the indoctrination the easier it is to program people. Anything that pokes at this process can only help with freedom of choice; mine was removed at birth as I was born into a RC family. Religious indoctrination (they called it "education") was compulsory, fortunately I wasn't susceptible and made my own informed choice.

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Deluded? Because he's Christian? I'm not a Christian, but surely we've developed to the point where we can, you know, let people be? Whats the point in attacking someone who believes differently? You obviously won't change their mind. The Chaplain was actually a lot more polite than I would have been, considering the guy was being a total *rickroll* to him

You can be polite, but it doesn't make a condescending attitude any easier to bear.


The chaplain is deluded, not because he's Christian, but because he's a condescending Christian.

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Hilarious. Please don't start with the 'bash the religiously inclined' in here though. Most of us grew out of it at Junior school.


Yeah I grew out of religion about the same time as I stopped believing in the Easter Bunny and Santa! OH WAI-! ;)

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Eh. I used to be like this, then I graduated from Middle School. I dunno, I just don't see the point in being a *rickroll* to someone for no reason

I must admit, I thought he was being a bit arsey at first but after the god-botherer made his "we teach children the ethics that their parents no longer bother with" comment I figure anything was fair game.

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I must admit, I thought he was being a bit arsey at first but after the god-botherer made his "we teach children the ethics that their parents no longer bother with" comment I figure anything was fair game.


i thought that comment was pretty out of order too.

while the preacher probably only meant well i still dont think it's right to spoon feed kids religious propaganda, its just not right. im also really pleased to hear that preaching in schools is illegal in Australia, i think the same attitude should be taken here.

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i thought that comment was pretty out of order too.

while the preacher probably only meant well i still dont think it's right to spoon feed kids religious propaganda, its just not right. im also really pleased to hear that preaching in schools is illegal in Australia, i think the same attitude should be taken here.

Not Teacher, school Chaplain. the one at my old school had no teaching duties (and that was a Roman Catholic school), my RE teacher was a Nun though.

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