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4x4 Airsoft ... Biathalon?


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So, it's been a while since I've played airsoft... like about a year. Its been a busy year.

Anyways, a friend calls me up on friday night and sais "hey, do you want to go compete in a competition involving 4x4 driving and airsoft on sunday?"


Of course I said yes, it was way too random not to.

Sunday rolls around, I pack my rifle and catch a 6am train to go meet my friend.


What followed was certainly one of the most redneck things I've seen in Japan.


Here's the pictures, I'll explain the rest after.










This guy grounded his truck real good, it was so complete as to almost have all 4 wheels off the ground.

Yes the underside was somewhat rogered. This image is just after he got towed off.








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It was the driver's birthday.













This girl clearly knew more about driving than shooting...



This kid got off to a bumpy start with his shooting but picked it up fairly well by the end of the day.

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Okay, so what the day involved.


Everyone split up in to 2-man (or woman) teams.

A driver and main shooter.


There were 2 courses, each team did each course twice, and their total score was added up.


Each team member had 10 shots per run.


The driver had to shoot 3 rubber balls. Remaining bbs were worth 10 bonus points.

The passenger had to shoot 2 rubber balls and the final 8 shots in to a target.


The balls were spaced out along the course, the car had to come to a complete stop before the team could shoot. If the car moved after having come to a halt and before the balls were hit, the team was disqualified. (i.e. make sure you mean it when you stop the car)


The team takes as many shots necessary to shoot the (their? teehee) balls before moving on to the next set.


At the end of each course there was a fork, the easy way and the hard way. The easy drive put the passenger further from the target sheet, and the hard drive put them closer.


The passenger then fired their remaining shots (if all went well they had 8 shots) at the target. If they over shot then each pellet over shot was -10pts.


Does that explain everything?


My team came 10th out of 20 :/

but out of my friends that went we came first! yosh! hehe.


They are doing it again in october, I am definitely goin.


Yours truly;



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