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HAY GUYS! I has AK too. Can I join?

My collection: It includes one or two cousins, sorry for this.      

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+1 DL, excellent photos, good cam cream skills.


Cheers! I just smear it on whilst doing an impression of a seal on ecstasy - rubbing all of my face whilst making MAAWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO noises. Seems to work.



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Anyone ever mounted an ACM ultimak gas block clone on a CYMA AK104? There's a weird inner gas block my other AK's dont have..


Could you take a picture of your AK from the bottom? IE a picture of the empty magwell. It's the quickest way to tell if it's a VFC style CYMA or a TM style CYMA.

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Yeh it is. It's the 4 screws around the magwell type of attachment.


The thing is the upper receiver has a weird part sticking out towards the gas block under the handguard. My CA and ICS AK's dont have this and I do not think the railed gas block will sit over it :(


Will take it apart tomorrow to have a better look.

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too much ris action on here for my liking :)


time for some old skool stuff



LCT AK with DD furniture

3 x AKMS with RS wooden furniture fitted



GHK AK74SU with RS wood fitted

ICS full stock and Kalash folding stock - ICS has dyed furniture and the kalash has RS



LCT AIMS 74 with converted RS Magazine - not 100% yet but will be when I can get round to finishing it off.

VFC AKS74 with PK-A red dot and bayonet


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Hey guys, just a random thought: I have a winter/snow loadout, but no really dedicated gun to go with it. What would people say if I bought a cheap CYMA AK and did it up in white and grey/black?






Taken from last year. I want to have something that takes AK mags (I have millions of them) and a large battery to last in the cold, so I'm gravitating towards a CYMA AK47 as they are cheap and good. Replace the OD gear with some ACU stuff and it's all good for the snow.

Edited by DarkLite
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it would be much much better with steel ak47 or simple bakelite magazines, these magpul ones doesn't feel appropriate for a wood/steel AK


Maybe he seeks function over form as these permit the use of magpul rangers and see how many BBs are left... or maybe he just likes those mags better... :)




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Dont worry no offence taken. Im no purist i just like the look and its comfy to use. Also im sure the thumbhole grip is incorrect for the model. I just find the mags to look cool and i prefer mid caps. Just think the gun needs a nice pbs silencer to finish it off.

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