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VFC MP5 (Umarex Licensed)

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Don't quote me on this, but all the MP5's that I have encountered that were not designated the "Asia edition" all seemed to light strike on anything other than 134a or what the Americans dub as duster gas on a warm day or warm full mag.

Could this mean that it is for use in lower power countries (Japan)?

Seems logical.


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Here we go.       23 rounds in one burst, 6:30pm and normal early April breeze.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7qw7MiKius&feature=youtu.be     AP.

PDW conversion kit for VFC MP5k   Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Mine shoots like a charm and I have it for two years now.Well I don't field it every weekend but I do some firing every once in a while.

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Never happened with my mp5. I live in Houston, TX USA and it gets to 100 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 months straight...also zero problems with bolt stopping followers...


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2



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My small research about VFC MP5K GBB and Folding Stock for it.




HK PDW Folding Stock for MP5K (Real Steel): $299.95 (HKParts.net)

Choate PDW Folding Stock for MP5K (Real Steel, CLONE): $124.95 (HKParts.net)


GWS HK MP5K PDW (Custom): $N\A (by request)

They are used Choate Stock (that's why so small photo on their Facebook page).


Diffirence between HK and Choate: Marking in the circle. HK have got "HK" marking, then Choate have got "Choate Tool Corp".


It's also interesting to try fit Folding Stock from Marui MP5K PDW...


ALSO, almost forgot about... first spot of MP5K PDW was from ACTION. And of photo was MP5K PDW with Foldign Stock.


Edited by rusTORK
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MP5K with real H&K stock & real 30 round magazine.



The bolt assembly is actually about an inch shorter than the regular version & you cannot use azimuth bolt guides (but with the VFC MP5 K you don't need them.


I have tried numerous times to make the FE aluminum loading nozzle work but in all four of my VFC MP5's its just plain shocking, really awful.


The blowback is just sloppy with it installed & even on red gas it's just farty. 

I have tried different set ups internally & extrernally but it's just total junk.


Ready fighter seems to be the the best so far along with the VFC MP5K loading nozzle.



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Bolt has wider side sections at front and rear.

Comes with a copper guide on one side as standard.

Loading nozzle is way tougher.

Bolt head is simpler but wider.

Power is below 330 on green.

Accuracy and hop are the same but it's not meant to be a ranged weapon.


Edited by Armourpiercing
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