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ASG G36 = no hop up


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Just having bought an ASG G36c I have found that the hop just does not work at all. There is no difference between having it set to maximum and all the way off. I'm not exactly sure whats causing the problem, but having no experience with G36 components I'm not in a position to diagnose it myself. Looking down the barrel the rubber never seems to get near to the cutout regardless of how much it is adjusted. The nub is in place and it does move as I twist the adjuster, but doesn't actually get far enough to do it's job. I guess either the whole unit is duff or the barrel cutout isn't right somehow. Can't anyone shed some light on what may be causing the problem?

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Could be that the hop "arm" is missing as they are fiddly little buggers on the G36. There should be a little sqaure of plastic with a lip on one end and a concave face on the other which sits under/in the drum part of the mag. if that is missing nothing will happen.


Also get yourself a spare selector plate as these don't last long on the ASG.

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Is the barrel aligned in the right place? and not upside down?

It happens some time.

If your nub doesn't push deep enough, the guarder clear bucking is a good solution it that case.

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Dunno what the problem was in the end. I tried a spacer but then it overhopped wildly. Reassembled normally and it works just fine. The only thing I can think of is that the lever was not engaged with the thread on the hop barrel. I don't know who the OEM is for ASG but QC is obviously not that great, but then what did I expect for £150?

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