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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMPx35ElNS0">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMPx35ElNS0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">   I'll keep you guys

After a very long wait, I finally got my hands on KWA's new LM4 PTR. What follows are my initial impressions after owning it for 1 day, and using it in a few rounds of CQB. But first some pictures:  

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Damn more customers having jamming issues, starting to consider other gbb rifles now. Maybe I'll buy a lm4 in a year or two down the line if KWA fixes their issues.


KWA has been looking closely into the jamming/broken feed lip issues that a few of their customers (3 users to be exact) posted up on the KWA technical forums. They found that the issue they experienced was replicated by overloading the magazine 41 rounds instead of 40 rounds. This 41 round does not allow the magazine seat into the LM4 unless it was forced in. Forcing the magazine with 41 rounds is what caused problems of damaging either the feed lip and ram when the bolt was closed. If bolt is open and bolt is released when there is 41 rds, then the bb can be smashed, which the debris can cause the issues.



This is what I notice so far that could be the cause for the problem.


The LM4 Magazine is design to hold 40 rounds. However, on loading the mag with speed loader, it can load 41 rounds into the mag.

If you do that, two things can happen.


1. If the bolt is close, the magazine have no clearance for the feed ram and magazine will not lock in place. Forcing it to lock can damage the feed lip and feed ram.


2. If the bolt is open, the magazine will lock but when you release the bolt, the weight of the steel bolt with a steel feed ram tip will damage the BB. Thus the BB can be cracked or deformed when entering the hop-up chamber. This will cause further jamming and the debris can damage other internal parts.


So... be careful not to overload the mag. After loading the mag, check if there is at least 3mm clearance. If you can't push the BB in, it's too much. Download one BB and you should be good to go.


I'll see if I can provide some pictures later today.


To me this makes sense, since there are several users who have replied saying they've gotten past 5000 rounds without a single problem and are still going strong. I'd say give it lil' more time before jumping to assumption that this batch was a fluke.

Edited by greatwatermelon
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Very lucky.... I just picked up my LM4 on Friday. So far, I've only put 13 magazines (520rds) through it. On the up side weather has been pretty good here in Southern California of 70 degrees. I'm getting nearly 3 magazines on auto with one fill, 5 magazines on semi with one fill.

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Very lucky.... I just picked up my LM4 on Friday. So far, I've only put 13 magazines (520rds) through it. On the up side weather has been pretty good here in Southern California of 70 degrees. I'm getting nearly 3 magazines on auto with one fill, 5 magazines on semi with one fill.

wow I thought 2 mags dump on we open chamber was amazing....

How's the range? The reports are very erratic right now:

-Some say it over hops on 0.25g regardless

-Some say range and grouping is poor

-Other say the range outgun stock GBBR

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Yeah I noticed the reports from others have been erratic as well.... Some say they cannot even hit a target at 100 feet, while some say that they have an effective range of 175 feet. What I usually notice with these inconsistencies of the range and accuracy reported on KWAs in general are the users' lack of properly cleaning the grease and dirt out the barrel and hop up. Frankly, it's a given that no airsoft gun performs at its best when its barrel is dirty and its bucking is soaked in grease out of the box.


So far myself, I've only had a chance to unload 4 magazines out of the box at 100 feet, not having the chance either to clean the barrel or bucking.The first two magazines were a little inconsistent as it would overhop or underhop or hit right on target with KSC .25g. However, as I continued shooting the LM4, the LM4 started shooting more consistently and the hop up seemed to level out until I was able to tag a 8 by 8 inch box that was hung up on a wire at 100 feet away, pretty easily.


I 'm looking to find the range and accuracy of the LM4 past 100 feet, however finding a place to shoot 150+ feet is not easy to find where I live. I probably won't be able to test out its furthest effective range until 2 weeks from now, when I move back up to northern California.

Edited by greatwatermelon
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Didn't have any issues with my LM4's delta ring. G&P, Element and RS KAC RIS all fit like a glove.


Only issues I've had is with double feeding jams. Once I stopped loading 41 rounds, that stopped. Operator error.


I'm getting 50 yards flat level flight with Bioval .30s on propane with a maximum 1-2 foot horizontal variance and maybe 6 inches vertical at that range. 2-3 round bursts are easy to put on target and I can get 3 full magzines fired on one gas fill.



Overall, I'm very happy with my LM4. It does need lubed thoroughly out of the box, and the barrel needs cleaned before use. Other than that, the thing is a tack driver.

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What outer barrels does it take?

KSC outer barrel. Guarder makes steel and aluminium aftermarket CQBR, M4, and 20" variant

Maybe it's because I think of that as a baseline performance expectation then. A WA M4 or a WE M4 set up properly should also be able to hit 50m @350fps no problem.

WE M4 stock cannot achieve 50m effectively. The shot to shot consistency is extremely poor on the stock bucking.

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KSC outer barrel. Guarder makes steel and aluminium aftermarket CQBR, M4, and 20" variant


WE M4 stock cannot achieve 50m effectively. The shot to shot consistency is extremely poor on the stock bucking.


"Set up properly" being the operative. I have seen WE OB M4s and G39s hitting effectively at 50m after cleaning out all the grease and gunk out of the barrel and making sure the bucking is seated properly and sealed.

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