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eHobby now have 'clone' 50rnd Kriss magazines made by Apple Airsoft in stock, at $40 they're $15 cheaper than the original KWA ones, if the quality is good it's a decent saving.



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Guys its airsoft, not shooting real steel and be a super secret SEAL squirrel operator. If you like to full auto dump all your mags in a game that doesn't make it wrong in any way. This stupid "full a

well the bits from KWA arrived monday. (6 days from order to door!!!) IT IS ALIVE! also, 7 screws and a push pin. thats it. everything out of the upper.

Too late to edit my last post, but just so that a fair representation is given.   Responded to my email incredibly quickly (considering the time difference) and has offered to knock up my 5 pouches

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Also gotta factor in shipping. I'd personally just stick with oem kwa magazines so I know power output...seals...tolerances are virtually the same across all the mags I have for it. I've already had my 7 mags for almost 1 year now. None of em leak. Gotta love kwa mags :)


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2



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I have an npas so it doesnt really matter. Its just weather the seals hold up. 


point_7 have you installed it properly? If I shut mine down the gun cycles but the bb falls out the end haha. Fully open though on GG only gives me about 260/280fps. But it was cold and I still need to try with predator/ultra gas. 


Roll on the Mall in Jan!

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Finally broke down and ordered a Kriss a couple of weeks ago. Should be here in a couple of days. I'm looking forward to trying it out. Anyone try the Angry Gun suppressor for the Kriss yet? Curious what people think of it.


Went into my local Airsplat today and they had one in stock for $500 (WTF?!?!?!). They are having a 35% off sale, so it comes to $325 which is a good deal and slightly less then what I paid. Had I known I would have save a little coin and would already be playing around with my new Kriss.

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You probably could have saved some money ordering from Evike. What kind of place jacks up the price of an item then takes a percentage off to bring it to what it should be? Anyway the Kriss is a nice gun I have one of the first ones, I got it December 24th just about one year now. the one thing that failed me after about 12k shots was the piston return spring. I was able to fix it and received a replacement one since which I have not changed. This gun shoots great the two round burst is nice and the rof is crazy fast. Accuracy is good, the one thing I really dislike is the only place you can get replacement parts is KWA and they don't stock much. If you need a replacement sear or seal and they don't have it you are screwed also the lack of hopup rubber out their. your only real option is maple leaf and in my opinion its not that great. If I were you I would leave it completely stock and you will be good for a long while.            

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I was going to purchase from Evike, but they were out of the all black Vectors. I didn't want the brown one. I'm not at all interested in brown or tan guns - desert loadouts just don't do it for me. I ended up getting my Vector from pyramidair.com. They were running 11% off everything so I was able to get a black Vector for $325 plus they had extra mags which are hard to find. I'm still excited to get mine. Hopefully mine will be reliable and I won't have too much trouble finding parts when I need them.


Airsplat's pricing on the Vector is shady. I'm not a big fan of their stores but I will occasionally buy gas or ammo from them. 

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