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Tokyo Marui HK416D

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You must be a Snickers, because you satisfy me.   Marui appears to have gone through great pains to copy some of the main features of the HK416. When using the weapon these features become obvious.

Well its arrived , and is with out hesitation the best feeling AEG I've ever held ! Yes a bold statement but I really stand by it . The feel is just amazing , the weight , and just solidness to it to

Well finally got to scurmish mine today and considering its practically new out of the box and had had probably fewer than 200 BBs thought it before today , it IS the best AEG I have ever used ! The r

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after taking apart my 416 youd be supprised how close it is to the VFC one..  its standard hk416 barrel nut and mount.

Oh I'm sure there'll be something somewhere on the gun that'll stop any thing else fitting .

You know what TM are like "they always f**k you in the drive through !" ;-)

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forgive me if im wrong, but (assuming you mosfet it) can next gen's run on 11.1v? I thought 11.1v made the ROF too quick for the blowback to handle?


Ive finally gone through both this thread and the SOPMOD thread (damn that thread is huge) and I didn't come across anyone being able to raise ROF to 20+. Has anyone been able to upgrade their next gen to 25rps @ 1.3J while maintaining reliability?

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I got to use my DEVGRU this sunday its awesome great range and accuracy (its a TM recoil now my 3rd I wasn't really expecting anything else!) and when I borrowed an 11.1V battery out in the field i was pleasantly surprised by the ROF especially when half the other team came round the corner at a bottleneck he he he!!!

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Can anyone recommend a motor with a bit more torque? I'm running a 25c 7.4 lipo currently and I'd like to up the rpm slightly without going to an 11.1.

My plan was to wait for one of these spectre MOSFET thingys, shove an 11.1 in and use the fet to turn the rpm down to a reliable figure. Sadly it looks like I'll be waiting a few years yet for that. :s

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It was the casing off of the marui sopmod 8.4v battery.


The lipo I used was a hair thicker than what the casing could fit so it bulges out a smidge. I didnt need to but I glued the shells some with some super glue.


The photo was a quick pick. There are no other pics as I just wanted to Maybe when I make another one...


I have the lipo on hand already and I should have the marui 8.4v sopmod battery in a couple of days. I'll probably wait a lil bit longer to put it together. I havent decided whether or not im making another lipo pack in the marui shell...or mod the new 8.4v sopmod back to a 9.6v.


Change the bbs youre using..use a different brand of whatever weight you're using


Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

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So I had issues with the bolt-stop on my 416 but it seemed I got it fixed and it worked for a while, however a few games ago it started acting up again by not stopping the gun from firing on full auto(it kept shooting on semi). So today I took apart my gun for inspection and I found no issue with the stop fire mechanism, still I put a shrink tube on both levers(the one that connects with the mag and the other rising the trigger contact). I also eliminated any side movement. I correctly put it back altogether and yet when I inserted an empty mag the gun kept shooting. However if I pushed the lever up with my finger it would work or sometimes with an empty mag if I kept pushing the bolt-catch's lower part. The mag can't really be the problem as they work just fine in my SCAR-L. At this point all I can think is putting more shrink tubes on the lever maybe that way it gets pushed up enough. Did anyone else ever had a similar problem?

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Well after putting on a few shrink tubes on the lever I still had problems(sometimes worked, sometimes not) so I took them off. I didn't took it apart, I just fingered(ok that sounds bad but basicly I just pushed the lever around with my finger) the lever and after a few attempts it now works right again. :huh: WTF

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