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Well herp derp. That's a lot of non fitting RS parts :o


Buit yeah, no point in wasting time, energy and frustration to mod RS parts just because. Just get APS spares.


Funnily enough the stuff I ordered from Brownells is stuck in customs. It's 2 screws, washer, a magazine spring and a follower. All of which I now know don't fit. LOL :D

But I wanted the screws to measure them so I could get metric equivalents.


I am pretty sure I saw on AirsoftCanada a guy who fit RS side shell holders on his. Not sure if it required mods or not though.

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With a few exceptions, this is the business plan of almost all the entire airsoft industry.

Awww yeah.  Super Shorty version incoming  

FPR steel bolt, looks much more realistic than the original, cycles the same as before.   

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I wouldn't think the firing pin or shell latches would work, but I expected that the charging arms would work. That's a bit of a disappointment since those always seem to be a weak spot on AirSoft shotguns.


Odd though considering how some people have fit real shell lifters and triggers. That made me expect more parts to fit I guess. I'm still wondering if any other trigger pack components will work.


I have started working on a design for a replacement firing pin that is screwed together rather then pressed. With two steel screws on the ends of a brass or aluminum shaft (my mill cant handle steel very well). We'll see if that works at all, then at the very least I could make a few for people with broken firing pins.

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^Definitely would be interested in that.


From what I saw from the Airsoft Canada thread, it seems trigger parts are more compatible (I mean, the trigger group basically looks lifted from a RS 870; same thing with Tanaka's 870). I really don't have a desire to replace anything in that massive jumble of parts though, unless something breaks down the line.


Does anyone know how to order a spare bolt from APS?

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If they Arent sending you a whole new bolt, just make sure you heat up the screws with a butane torch or something before trying to get them out. they're loctited in, and I managed to actually break one of the screws before realizing that (Felt like it was turning, was just the head breaking off)


Also, does anyone know a good way of removing the backs of the shells? I have a couple that have become leaky and they really dont want to come apart.

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They had sent me a whole replacement so I didnt even care that I had broken one of the screws on the original one. But, Interestingly a real 870 doesnt have the bolt screwed onto the carrier at all. it just sits on top of it. I wouldnt be surprised if the screws were completely unneccesary.

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- I bought a RS one a while ago from ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Remington-870-Shot-Shell-Carrier-Kit-Side-Saddle-Shotshell-Holder-for-12-Gauge-/281445996898?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item41877d1962


- The RS Pins/screws does not fit so you need to buy the APS ones: http://www.aps-concept.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=25_115&product_id=496


- On the RS side saddle the holes was to small for the APS screws so I made them bigger with a round file or a dremmel.


- I did not like the over sized "screw on thingies" on the APS pins so i did use the dremmel again to cut the screws/pins down a bit and used some plain nuts



This is the result: 








Another way of doing this is buy some velcro and stick it on the side of the shotgun and buy some shellholders like costa did on his shotgun: http://youtu.be/dl3B9MoEZYE?t=2m7s

watch the whole video if you want, but 2:07 into the video he explains why the velcro solution is better. Haven't encountered any problems with my shotgun yet...

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