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With a few exceptions, this is the business plan of almost all the entire airsoft industry.

Awww yeah.  Super Shorty version incoming  

FPR steel bolt, looks much more realistic than the original, cycles the same as before.   

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If they produce n joules with CO2 (stored in dense liquid form), but 5n joules with HPA (not condensed), I think you might be putting more than 800psi in there. Is there a regulator in the filling adapter or some other means of determining the pressure inside the shell? I would be very cautious of putting 3,000psi HPA into something designed for less than a third of that pressure without a regulator.

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FYI I measured the RS Remington 870 stock bolts I got, and here is what you need in metric;


Wood stock MC6S M6x205mm

Synthetic stock MC6S M6x260


Now I think that the pistol grip I got came with a 55mm bolt, but I used a 50mm one, so the above values may be 5mm oversized. You can either get the actual lenght and cut if required or try with -5mm lenghts as per the above info.


You also need the washer and crush washer from the original Remington 870 to install properly with these bolts and RS stocks.


See parts 56 and 57 here : http://www.brownells.com/schematics/Remington-/870-Express-sid2.aspx


I still haven't sourced the required metric bolts yet myself but will try and do that and post back once I have confirmation on what works.

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Here's something interesting for all you SAI fanboys :P




See at 00:38 mark.


APS CAM 870 SAI version ?


Not sure if it's custom or an actual production version but it says NEW SAI 870.


Also wondering if it's licensed or not. AFAIK APS doesn't do any licensed products?

So how will this hold up against law suits if and when it hits the market.

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Here's something interesting for all you SAI fanboys :P




See at 00:38 mark.


APS CAM 870 SAI version ?


Not sure if it's custom or an actual production version but it says NEW SAI 870.


Also wondering if it's licensed or not. AFAIK APS doesn't do any licensed products?

So how will this hold up against law suits if and when it hits the market.


That looks like Michaels @ APS Canada - Gun Doctor.


Did the research. Michael  (Asian guy in the APS CAM870 Video doing all the tactical reloads with his SAI Shotgun on youtube if you recall that video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OVMFQ3D_Cw) He got custom moldings done when he went to APS HK. They won't sell it unfortunately, I already tried asking.

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I think they are going to start selling the SAI edition.


Why the sudden change of opinion?


You said you asked them and they said no? :o


EDIT: I just emailed APS and asked them (again). Let's see what they have to say.

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Well, your initial thoughts were correct;



Hello Chris
CAM870 SAI version is not standard APS products. It was custom made by APS's friends. If you interested in buying this products, you have to contact the maker located in Canada Vancouver

Derek Leung
General Information



So no, APS won't be selling this.

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Ehobby just sent me an e-mail.





KY Custom SAI Remington 870 Shotgun

- APS CAM870M Based
- Real Pump Action CO2 Shell Ejection
- Full Steel CNC Receiver, Bolt and Barrel
- SAI Custom Bolt and Receiver
- MAGPUL SGA Stock and Handguard
- Made In Canada

Not include Stippling & Starter Kit (extra charge)


So "MADE IN CANADA" done by Michael at APS I'm assuming.


URL FROM FB: http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/eac-ky-custom-sai-remington-870-shotgun.html#.VLfMxk3QcyQ


* Not Include Co2 Charger, Shell Cartridge, Catcher Bag, Wad & Sealing Paper (Sold Separate)



-- ASSUMING each are modified and tuned before mailing out, lol.




$1750 USD.


Lol waddajoke.


APS Shell Catcher is $26 USD btw, ordered one before.

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Yeah I got an update from APS as well with that info. I guess they realized a lot of people want it.


So it's not directly by APS but I guess that Michael dude made a deal with EHA to sell his custom work. Let's see how long it last before SAI go apeshit on them :P




dat pricetag :o


I expect them to sell exactly ZERO of those :P

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I think what he's did was to finalize the bolt in APS HK and to show it at the gunshow in hk for marketing.


I think now he gonna order parts from APSHK->APSCanada, and then mail out the hand built APS BACK To Asia.


When you think about it, APS HK should just build it.


Anyways, $1750 USD = $2200 + CANADIAN before our 13% sales tax...



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