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Tokyo Marui Glock 34

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Hello guys,


I just picked up my TM glock 34 today and I have to say that it's one sweet gun :wub:


This is my first TM glock, so whether or not it's different form the Glock 17, I can't say.


So on to the pictures....



The box is a bit more subduded than the previous releases, but it does the job of advertising the gun.

Inside is the ususal stuff, manual, parts listing, targets and a bag of bb's

Nothing new here.


And here it is....



Look good eh?




Top view of the port



The rear sight is adjustable, both up/down and left/right




As I said I don't have any experience with the Glock 17, but there are two things that has been changed for sure...

The outer barrel has a horizontal tab on the chamber and a corresponding cut out on the slide...

Presumeably to stabalize the outer barrel?


Here's the outer barrel



And here is the slide



The inner barrel is (I think) the same length as the std. Glock 17, so that's a bit of a dissapointment in my eyes.

Also the barrel has had the last 10mm or so machined down, not quite sure why...



Another thing that has been changed is the mag release.

I do believe it is an all plactic affair on the 17, here it has been reinforced with a bit of metal



I have only shot a few rounds so far, but intial impression is rather good.

The recoil is not the strongest, but I'm pretty impressed how fast it cycles.

From the few shots I've fired, the accuracy seems good.


Hopefully I give you guys a more in-depth review as soon as possible.


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I also had the opportunity to handle one here in japan and look at the manual and stuff.

A few differences:
- The trigger bar is not the same as the G17 one, it's possibly from the G18 (unsure on that)
- The slide stop insert is now a lot beefier

- The mag release also has the G18 type metal insert in it

- The trigger bar spring is beefier than on previous models

- The inner barrel (i believe) was 1911 length, I could be mistaken though.

Aside from that, it's a marui glock and shoots like one.


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Oh, I've had friends running stock glock an propane since they were released...Maybe he got lucky?

I've also run my tm 1911 that way for years and years.(Although I admit that their 1911 is a stronger design.)


:s maybe they can't handle it, weaker plastic as its a different colour, or just a different design of slide shape.

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So the G34 is a G17 with a longer slide? Takes all the same internal parts I'm suspecting, except the inner barrel length?


- Are there any dedicated slides for the G34, or is it the "G17 -> G34 GM" conversion slide kits will fit?

- Will normal G17 slide fit on the G34? (Assuming it will because lower is the same)

- Only perk for G34 from G17 is it's longer, and has "updated" stock internals?



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On the face of it, it seems reasonable to assume that the guts of a new G34 slide will fit into an older aftermarket metal G34 slide designed for the G17, but until somebody does it, it remains uncertain.  AFAIK, the new G34 hasn't yet spawned any new slides from the likes of Detonator, Nova, Prime or PGC.

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On the face of it, it seems reasonable to assume that the guts of a new G34 slide will fit into an older aftermarket metal G34 slide designed for the G17, but until somebody does it, it remains uncertain.  AFAIK, the new G34 hasn't yet spawned any new slides from the likes of Detonator, Nova, Prime or PGC.


Okay, well, got my hands one one yesterday, took it all apart and re-built it.


Just for those who are curious:

- Comes with extend slide release

- Comes with extended mag release (has a bit of metal here "reinforced?"

- Spring that connects into the trigger housing to the trigger lever looks stronger then the marui G17


(Exploded Diagram for my reference below  - look at hammer housing)


- Piece that goes with the spring (G26-46) is reinforced with some metal

- Spring that holds that you push down with the part above (G26-48) is stronger then the marui g17

- Silver piece that goes under trigger housing is different, then the stock marui G17

- recoil spring is same as g17, just has a "buffer / spacer?" in the front, so it doesn't go into the the front part of slide


Maybe some tad bits I missed, sorry hard to explain, new to platform lols.


It's literally a g17, with a little bit extend, and of course the minor "upgrades" 



Edited by BioRage
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