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Official Photography Thread II: Electric Boogaloo!

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IMGP1613 by Benjamin B., sur Flickr IMGP1261 by Benjamin B., sur Flickr IMGP8548 by Benjamin B., sur Flickr IMGP6535 by Benjamin B., sur Flickr IMGP9813 by Benjamin B., sur Flickr IMGP0681 by Ben

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Shame. I saw the Raptor at last year's Flying Legends (the best part was when she arrived and set all the car alarms off). Unfortunately this year I missed the P51 Berlin Express, who flew over from Texas, as her canopy exploded mid show on the Saturday. Unfortunately another P51 was forced to do an emergency landing in a field on Sunday right at the end of the show. The pilot got out fine and nobody was hurt so it's all good. Apparently they had more trouble getting it back to the airfield then getting it out of the field as no-one remembered to measure the gap between the traffic ligts


Edit: to stop the thread getting clogged with text here's a few shots I managed to get of local wildlife



Photobucket hosting seems to be broken somehow. You may see your photos, no one else does. They only see a picture stating:

"Please update your account to enable 3rd party hosting. For important info, please go to www.photobucket.com/P500" My guess is they have figured they need to make money from people by charging you to link back to your own photos.


This seems to be appearing all over forums for anyone using any photobucket images (including yours and many other's sig photos).

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On1 Effects 10.5, got them for free some time ago. They tend to give away their old programs from time to time.

Although I'm supremely salty they don't have the deal with Corel any more, if they bundled it with PSP X9 like they did with the previous version, that would be a two-for-one deal of things I know how to use.

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An hour of Photoshop? That's a two-minute filter job, tweak the contrast and have a self-congratulatory beer!

Now this thing, that was fifteen minutes of swearing and Photoshop as I had to composite two takes to replace three goobers standing in the background on the right side with an unobscured lawn and sandstone corner.




You can see a larger version and other photos from that shoot here: http://seriously-mike.tumblr.com/post/164145071766/model-rena-fx-photography-and-editing-me

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Well, I actually matched a fragment of a different take from the fountain's edge to the model's face and slightly warped it to make the hair match between the two photos, then just erased the excess.

If you look closely, there's an odd strand of hair going sideways near her neck and a ding in the stone block near the edge of the picture, but aside from that, I think I made a good enough job.

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...that looks like a Walthamstow special.

(in case you missed it: a couple of years ago, someone on Arnie's told a story about how he found a massive turd in a toilet at the Walthamstow dog race track. The guy who left it there must have needed an epidural.)

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