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WE Desert Eagle (Licensed by Cybergun)

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After a long idle of license hell the WE Desert Eagle is finally here! Only the black one tough as of now. It comes in this box.     The inside is pretty plain. Altough the thing that holds the p

After deciding I wasn't happy with the finish on the silver one I had, I went and ordered another. Here's a comparison of two WE Desert Eagles plus a real stainless steel one. tRaIn LiKe YoU

Alrighty, I just received the KimPOI grips. No fitment was necessary; there's about half a millimeter of gap at the very top on one side but it's not really noticeable. Overall they look and feel quit

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Got some chrono readings for ya'll!


Did two chrono sessions with two full magazines worth of gas. Let the magazine go back to ambient room temp (2-3 hours) between tests.

Shot count and high FPS differences are probably due to magazine being in different places in my apartment when going to ambient temp between tests and not filling the magazine with the same amount of gas between tests, and it being a brand new can of gas.


Pretty impressive consistency and average both within each session and between the two sessions.


Basic Information

Manufacturer: Cybergun/WE

Model: Desert Eagle .50 AE
Type: Gas blow back
Build materials: Full metal/Aluminum
Gas: ASG ULTRAIR Power Green Gas (~130 PSI)
BBs: Blaster 0.2g
Temperature: ~22C
Humidity: ~35%
Chronograph: XCORTECH X3200
Time between shots: ~1 second
Every 25 shots: Reload of BBs and registration of FPS data, ~2-3 minute pause.
Last 10 shots of the magazine fill were noticably weaker.
Chrono Session / Magazine Gas Fill #1
Total duration: ~7 minutes
Total number of shots fired: 76
Total number of shots registered: 71
Total number of shots not registered: 5 (registered as 0 FPS in graph)
FPS Max: 367,7 (Shot #1)
FPS Min: 282,1 (Shot #76)
FPS Avg.*: 331,7
FPS Median Avg.**: 333,1
* Total FPS for all shots registered / Total number of shots registered
** Listed all registered shots from Max to Min, removed the top 5 results and the bottom 5 results. Calculated the total FPS (20 318,4). Divided by number of shots in list (61)
Chrono Session / Magazine Gas Fill #2
Total duration: ~6 minutes
Total number of shots fired: 55
Total number of shots registered: 55
Total number of shots not registered: 0 (registered as 0 FPS in graph)
FPS Max: 378,1 (Shot #1)
FPS Min: 209,2 (Shot #55)
FPS Avg.*: 338,0
FPS Median Avg.**: 340,3
* Total FPS for all shots registered / Total number of shots registered
** Listed all registered shots from Max to Min, removed the top 5 results and the bottom 5 results. Calculated the total FPS (15 313,3). Divided by number of shots in list 45)
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WE exploded view image is now working and higher resolution than KY Airsoft.




BTW I recorded my slide disassembly and reassembly video today and I could not get the front sight off. Tried some different tehcniques but decided to leave it be.



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I did, and I tried, and it would not come out. I pushed it down all the way flush, pushed both ways. Pushed it down on one side, tried driving it out the other, and then to the other side, and I pushed it down and applied force with a punch, pushed it down and wiggled it while trying to move side to side, etc... And it did not come out.


Even if I did get it out, I am worried about getting it back on again :P


Also FYI I fixed the loose rear sight fit with a couple of layers of aluminum tape on the BBU nub that seats in the bottom of the rear sight.

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Just a small update. While I widened the hop window right after I got it to provide more hop (as I do to all new WE guns), I found accuracy to be lacking. Grouping roughly 8" at 20m my Makarov does better even with the suppressor off. I was examining the barrel and noticed the roughly machined crown so stuck it on my ghetto lathe (power drill) and proceeded to clean it up: refaced the front edge with a file (was kinda bumpy originally), sanded and polished the deep chamfer to a mirror polish (had a ridged pattern presumably from being turned). Surprisingly enough, it shrunk groups in half! Will do some more extended testing as this now appears to have the potential to be a viable sniping handgun.

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Just a small update. While I widened the hop window right after I got it to provide more hop (as I do to all new WE guns), I found accuracy to be lacking. Grouping roughly 8" at 20m my Makarov does better even with the suppressor off. I was examining the barrel and noticed the roughly machined crown so stuck it on my ghetto lathe (power drill) and proceeded to clean it up: refaced the front edge with a file (was kinda bumpy originally), sanded and polished the deep chamfer to a mirror polish (had a ridged pattern presumably from being turned). Surprisingly enough, it shrunk groups in half! Will do some more extended testing as this now appears to have the potential to be a viable sniping handgun.


I remember rebuilding a really ancient TM M4a1 for a friend on a budget which effectively only covered a metal receiver, rail and outer barrel with minimal amounts left over for internals. I ended up cutting down the stock TM inner on a lathe before recrowning it and giving it a quick polish and it's pretty much on par with the Madbul black 6.03mm tightbores everyone used to rave about a few years back.

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