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WE Desert Eagle (Licensed by Cybergun)

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I knew I'd find this here when I saw your Instagram post :D


What about the finish though? What's it like? Comparison to something else?


Also, thumbs up for closed front WEagle mags :D


And yah those top cuts look dang shallow compared to TM. Do you have any weaver rail thingies to try on there to see if anything actually fits? :o


Oh, and a Guarder black inner barrel should fix that muzzle look right up!

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Well the finish is grainy but pretty even, the closest i can compare it to is my VFC 416c...

Black inner barrel is a good idea ;)

Oh you mean like this? :D



this is not possible on the WE deagle though, to shallow cuts to mount anything on it...



pew pew pew

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Yeah.  I was just checking what the brand was.  I thought it might be Vision King.  The dot looks pretty decent.  I was thinking of getting one.  You would recommend? (for a rifle of course)

Love that sight! Cheap, holds zero on gbbrs, sharp and bright circle dot and has good eye relief , I would recommend...

Hey why does your g42 have a hole on the trigger guard?

Hey good question actually, never thought about that hole... must be what nonex said :D

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If anyone is looking for this cheap, WGC has it for $111.


Direct URL: https://wgcshop.com/products?search_From=category&item=cybergun-we-desert-eagle-gas-blowback-pistol-black

Magazines for $24 USD: https://wgcshop.com/products?search_From=category&item=cybergun-we-gas-magazine-for-desert-eagle


AsiAirsoft has it for $142 USD with worldwide shipping included, but I have heard some people not be super happy with AsiaAirsoft. I myself have never had an issue with my halv-dozen or so orders from them.



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That is a shame about the weaver cuts, I would have thought that WE would have had standard tooling for that seeing as the number of them that they must do across their range. Still want though.

Most likely didn't understand the true purpose of those cuts.. probably assumed it was nothing more than styling

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Got mine yesterday and immediately took it apart. Merely filing the hop window a little wider, as expected, makes for a huge improvement. A dab of super glue under the rear sight where the BBU locks it in place (let dried as a spacer before assembly) takes the wobble off. Most of the rattle on the safety addressed by slightly bending the spring plate on both sides slightly inwards and cleaning up the old loctite/superglue from the factory which acted like a spacer (causing slop).

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Got mine today.


Not sure what to say as I kind of didn't want it but then again always wanted a Desert Eagle pistol :P

($142 USD shipped from AsiaAirsoft, FYI)


It's big, not super heavy but hefty. Grip feels cheaply installed, like, loose kind of. Definately want a rubber Hogue grip on it, if nothing else because it looks bad *albatross* :D


Would have preferred a higher quality looking finish, i.e. not this matte/silky "ceramic coat" style.

Serial number marking is miles better than the actual markings on the slide... :(


Wish the slide return/recoil spring had a little more strenght/umpf to it.

EDIT: Well, I think it has more to do with the slide weight than the recoil springs. It is pretty snappy going back into battery and it makes a pretty loud sound when it does. But it feels like it's lacking something.


Dry fired it a few shots, not as impressive as I expected. Neither in sound nor recoil.


But yah, like I said, this is not a pistol I will be raving about or possibly not even keeping so if I sound not so excited, it's because I am, not... :P



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I test fired mine in my apartment in 22C and 30% humidity with ASG 140-ish PSI gas, so not really Scandinavian winter conditions. 

Makes sense with the BBs.

I also have some of the Guarder 220PSI gas on hand but not sure I dare try it :P


How does one get to that front sight post grub screw? :o

Removing the screwed on block under the barrel assembly in the front gives access?

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