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1911 Picture Thread

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Hey guys thanks for all the kind words!! I was actually gonna apologise for the lame photography :P hehehe well I couldn't anyway because it wasn't me, it was my brother and his 10.8MP uber-badass mega digicam. Shame they were done on Boxing Day on the dinner table (poppers string, ribbons and turkey giblets edited out for humanitarian reasons). Indoors and late at night, good job he's got a flash he could bounce off the ceiling otherwise it would just be a black block :lol:


But yeah, kinda moody indeed, cheers. And as HBC says, they need to shoot people - these two are coming out to play this summer when I've got a pair of holsters that can accept them with silencers, and about 8 spare magazines :D


Vicious - how close is that finish on your new grey Springfields to a standard TM parkerised finish? I'm totally loving that all grey look man, simply beautiful :wub:


Guinness - cheers buddy, for all your help with these. Now get back in your blog!! :P

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hey Milla, I had the same problem when I got my PGC 1911 from UNcomp. I ended up using one side of some very small pliars to wedge in the brass ring from the inside of the grip, while unscrewing the screw. it was a serious pain and took a while to get them off...good luck with yours.


The Guarder kit is pretty smart as it does not use those brass pieces, the screw threads are built into the frame....



Evilhippy - I'll have to throw some pics up of the Guarder kit vs the stock TM plastic. The Guarder is a bit more grey. Glad you like the looks of it =)

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And finally, after all this time the completed MGS3 S3 project pistol done by n00b3r. I can put up nicer pics if you guys want but it's hard working with a stone age digi cam. I did my best to find the best parts possible and had n00b3r install them. The only things that aren't completley exact is that the barrel isn't black (i'll get that painted), the front of the grip isn't checked for better grip and the slide isn't exactly the same but if I ever do find a better one I'll be bugging him again. :P Sadly, if I ever find a better frame and slide I'll be making a purchase!


I think it's pretty damn faithful to the original. The grip safety is even disabled! The spare pistol was n00b3r playing around with the extra pistol that I had purchased just for the grip safety! It's very sharp looking and fires great. Enough talk though, some pics!










(If I didn't post these Phoenix360mute was going to kill me...)

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Does anyone but PGC make a metal rear sight for the TM 1911?


If not, are those limited prod.? I know PGC seems to be making batches of the metal slide & frame, is this the same for the Outer Barrel & Rear Sight, and do I just have to wait a bit?

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Haha. The box is made of cedar that I simply located on ebay. Then as a wonderful christmas gift, my friend offered to wood burn the FOX symbol on it. It came out great, but of course he's not pleased. He's mad because it's about 1/4" off center and the wood burning is textured and not smooth. However that's due to cedar's natural absorption and when the box was originally oiled and sealed it must have soaked up a lot of oil as when he was woodburning parts would errupt into flame! So he opted to texture it to hide those facts.


Was a nice gift to see waiting in the car when I got back from germany this december. Currently trying to get foam into the box and debating on wether or not I should sell the spare pistol.

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Ok so hopefully there'll be a few more jealous faces than green faces this time :D


I woke up yesterday morning to this..



and a few hours ago I finished all the cosmetic adjustments, the grips are still stock (I have some smooth polished crotch walnut grips in the post), since last time I obviously bought another Tommy Franks and V10, along with steel chambers and barrels. They still need some TLC on the Prime chambers to get the cycling right but here's some beauty shots :D










cheers, hbc.




edit! - does anyone know any 20mm lasers which work with a switch (ie on/off) rather than a pressure switch, I want lasers but I dont want the wires and stuff cluttering my nice new grips..


btw, appearance is everything, the laser needs to look the mutts nutts :D

Edited by hardboiledcop
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