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I have a quick question for you 1911 owners out there. Is the only way to attach a suppressor on a 1911 is to get a barrel with threads on it? I have a WE 1911 coming in a few days, and I was thinking about picking up a suppressor in the future for it (or make one myself).

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I have a quick question for you 1911 owners out there.  Is the only way to attach a suppressor on a 1911 is to get a barrel with threads on it?  I have a WE 1911 coming in a few days, and I was thinking about picking up a suppressor in the future for it (or make one myself).


If you buy an extended inner barrel, PDI makes an attachement which allow you to use a suppressor. I actually have one for sale right now.


And yes you can use WA grips on a TM, I am, just a little fitting around the grip screws.

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Not a group shot, but it shows the other two 1911's I've got:




I don't think there's anything else I'm after at the moment. I'm half hoping that Mathub's mention of the Ultra Carry II, and Ultra Eclipse kits was a joke, otherwise more of my money is going to disappear :o .





Stellar pics as per usual man!


One small question/request: Any chance we could lose the date stamp? just a weency bit distracting from the beauty that is 1911












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If you buy an extended inner barrel, PDI makes an attachement which allow you to use a suppressor.  I actually have one for sale right now.


And yes you can use WA grips on a TM, I am, just a little fitting around the grip screws.


Oh ok, thanks for the info!


Alright my WE 1911 came in. Nice gun I must say, but I do hate the black plastic grips included. I switched them out shorty after.







The 'wood' grips are from a KWC Springer that has been painted. The grips are a bit beefier than the stock WE grips.


I'm finally part of the damn 1911 club...and you guys have no idea how long I've wanted to be a part of it, lol.

Edited by Souske
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Does anyone here currently own both a TM1911 and a WE1911? If so, I'd like to talk to you. :)

not any more.. and even then.. it should be taken to this thread http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/inde...p?showforum=199


what is your question.. in http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/inde...p?showforum=199 thread?

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This is where all the 1911 owners are, so I don't see how my question is out of place here. At least here it's just a post, whereas I'd have to start an entire thread just for a simple question if I were to post in the Handguns forum.


Please post in newb discussion if it is a simple question.


Not that kind of simple question, simple as in I just want to find someone who currently owns both a TM1911 and WE1911.

Edited by The Saint
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more 1911s!!!


(not ALL project/unfinished guns listed)




from Left going Down:


1) Prime Springfield V10 kit

2) WA Springfield V10, SD slide blk

3) WA Springfield V10, SD slide two-tone

4) MGC Springfield V10 (Magna), SD slide, Sheriff frame, Sheriff breech

5) Springfield Tommy Franks (V10 based), Prime kit

6) WA Wilson Tactical Supergrade Compact, SD slide

7) WA Wilson Professional, Prime kit, Guarder breech

8) WA Wilson CQB (SCW), Prime slide

9) Kimber Ultra Raptor II (V10 based), Prime kit

10) Kimber LAPD SWAT II (Magna), PGC kit, Guarder breech

11) Kimber Classic Custom (Magna), PGC slide, Prime frame, Sheriff breech

12) SVI IED 6", stock

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