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US Spec Op helmets

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Ah, well my flip up will finally be mounted next week when I get my NVG mount back, then I'll throw my mock strobe on there and call it a deal. Definitely not taking that MultiCam cover off seeing as how hard it was to get on. I've already posted a few pictures that fit the thread description, but just thought I'd post my collection, since others have too, even if they had some basic helmets thrown in too. Guess I fail.

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Well until the Multicam cover comes off or you base it off a particular impression (those army guys with Crye and Xbox 360 controllers) then don't post any more pictures of it. It's not that we don't like your helmet it's just that it's not meant for this thread...

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Well you should have just said that in the first place. Now it just looks like you wanted to show off your helmet that you bought from a friend in the Army (which you explained to everybody in about 4 seperate threads) and now you are covering your tracks. I'm not trying to accuse you of anything but I think that's how everyone is seeing this. Way too much drama on these boards lately...


You are trying too hard, if you get what I'm saying.

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I have a question for you guys that wear ear defenders under your helmets.


Where does the head band go and how does it effect the wear of the helmet? Im thinking about getting peltor tac. pro. ear defenders but im worried that they wont fit together that well with my USMC helmet. At the moment im leaning towards a bowman as i know it will fit and ive heard great things about them.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a few pics of my work MICH that I use for AIRSOFT sometimes too.













PVS-14 NVG's


ESS NVG goggles

GO-GEAR Goggle Retention straps

Velcro on sides, top, and rear for IR tabs, Flags, and Name Tapes. I added IR tabs to the Strap of my ESS's because it covers the side velcro..seems to be working great.

Also have a PETZL light on the MICH. the MICH was painted with a Tan Krylon and works quite well out here in the desert...a nice even color. The Velcro was purchased from a local Tactical Shop before deploying and is the Sticky Velcro. I have had no problems with it sticking to my MICH but I know others that have.


Here is my ACH with Tri-Color helmet cover.








I plan on getting an ACU cover for the ACH, I have Foliage ESS NVG Goggles but they weren't on the helmet at the time of the pics.


My newest LID's are 2 USMC LW helmets. I will post pics in a few months when I get home from Iraq.

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Hey para. They're a mix of real (still rare) and replicas.


Replicas can be bought from flecktarn, Wolf Armouries, 6mil... Loads of places. Pays your moneys, takes your choice etc. Krylon comes from 6mil or Fire Support.


Accessories such as nvg mounts, lights, goggle straps and all that tat can be bought from ebay. Real MICHs are availible on ebay, though never from the uk. Accessories maketh the helmet, so chose wisely :)




Nice lid Hivemind and you're O-neg, best blood type in the world (for others :D).

Edited by Fullauto
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Ok, I've got a quick question. And yes, I'm going to sound like an absolute n00b retard. :flamed:

But yah, I'm no gearwhore...


Anyways, all you guys with NVG mounts and all, do you actually have AND use nightvision for airsoft? Or do you just get the mounts to look milsim? I'm thinking I should get a helmet (MICH preferably, the one with no ears- 2001, right?), and I was just wondering if you guys get the NVG mounts just to look cool and milsim, or if you actually use NVG for airsoft.



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