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im not sure about the blowback on the army r85

i hope its as good as the a2 as a mate of mine is getting one soon



i must say though , the stock hopup on the g&g leaves alot to be desired.

i will be changing this ASAP


can anyone tell me what the Army verion's hop up is like?

Edited by lewis hiscock
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I know the owners of the G&G and the AA variation are a small niche in the market at the moment, but just out of curiosity how many people are sick of waiting for after sales parts for the G&G l85's?

It been about 9 month since G&G launched theres, more to the point what manufacture could be persuaded in to making say a UGL for them or even a susat where we don't have to mod the original rail?

Edited by bellyisking
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Since last pic I've done the real steel strip mod (works perfectly)


new stuff:

RS sling loop (star one is rubbish)

L60A1 Rifle grenade (inert)

SAWES Mount (british version of MILES)

I.W.S Mount

Civilian Manual

Genuine A2 Cocking Handle (Bought from a genuine dealer)

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Not quite, you just take out the two pins and it slides apart.


You have to cut bits of the hop support out and not put a few screws in. Pretty easy to do actually.


Your going to have to copy and paste this into the address bar remove the spaces between the / and star


http://www.airsoftcommunity.co.uk/forums/ Star-SA80-field-strippable-project-t85239.html

Edited by msx361
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If it is the STAR i thin k he means he has stripped it, it strips like the real thing, knock the 2 pins on the bod out and slide the shoulder res out and you have the spring and working parts.


The STAR dosn't strip like the real thing at all in stock form. Its held together with half a million screws, as well as the TMH pins



Cheers msx361, I'll have to try that guide out sometime :)

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