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SA80 Picture Thread

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*slight thread jackage*

What do people think of their susats? i had one once, it was aoky but even thgouh it was the max adjusted to the left (or right rememebr) it still woudln't zero. I sold it eventually, nbut i fancy getting another, jsut wanting to know everyones consensus to it... failing that i'll whack an acog on it.

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I presume the tape is on front to hold the fore grip together the screw should do that (make sure its tight) the reason the sling looks dodgy is the front fore grip section should be neat aside from that sling looks to be done right looks like the cocking handle is not fully forward too but I doubt that really matters.


aside from that looks fine not sure what kind of suggestions you would really want its a rifle not much you can do with it really..take it to bed with you and show it a good time?



do you mean these cadet rifles?


The are evil from what i've been told. look like bugger too extra big cocking handle for small hands :P


Edited by Subb0
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aside from that looks fine not sure what kind of suggestions you would really want its a rifle not much you can do with it really..take it to bed with you and show it a good time?

That's basically what I wanted to hear...just making sure I hadn't commited any sins against the gun ;)

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ha ha my cadets keep saying were getting semi auto A1s, i cant help but laugh at them. And say who told you that. the amount on varying names they say told them. I cant see the cadets getting anything near a semi auto any time soon, the government has bigger things to attend to than give kids semi auto rifles.



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thats not happening for a while mate, probably 3 or 4 years.. at least thats what it'll be (ish) for my CCF contingent


my SSI had a big speech about it recently on a camp. he told us "not to get to comfortable with the gp (cadet rifle) because we are getting semi auto versions in september (2008)"


so, we are. not sure about everyone else. apparently the GP is illigal now, or atleast thats what ive heard.

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my SSI had a big speech about it recently on a camp. he told us "not to get to comfortable with the gp (cadet rifle) because we are getting semi auto versions in september (2008)"


so, we are. not sure about everyone else. apparently the GP is illigal now, or atleast thats what ive heard.



are you guys CCF or ACF? Because i think the CCF are the lowest down in the food chain...



And yeah, we're still teaching weapons handling for the GP.. cant see how it is illegal, it complies with firearms laws as far as i know...

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