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New GBB's coming soon


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A few new GBB's coming out just in time for christmas





- Wilson Combat FBI Trial Pistol:




Its being released in Japan at the same time as TM's new AEP (December 15th). WA's motivation for releasing this particular model is that it won a popularity contest.


The grip is die- cast, it uses newly designed hi capacity magazines (27+1 rnds), a dummy firing pin and version 2 transfer hammer system.



- SCW/ SV Infininty Expert Pistol 4.3 inch:




Same internally as the recently released 5 and 6 inch Expert models, though the barrel is now silver in colour (other variants are gold/ copper in colour) and the mag bumper looks a little smaller (imo)





- COP 357 (extended barrel)




released in early 2005. Its pretty much the same as the previous versions though the longer barrel (200mm) should make it more accurate (speculation) and no doubt makes it front heavy.

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Are they? I'd rather they made something different.


EVEN a new Beretta would be nice! Whatever happened to the M93R? Was the KSC M93R II just too good to compete with? Beretta 9000 would be a good choice.


Better yet would be a full size .45 calibre S&W automatic and I'm sure a few would LOVE to see a FN 5-7. ;)


Sadly, it seems the Japanese domestic market can't get ENOUGH 1911s, witness the TM Hi-Capa and the newly announced KSC STi!



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does WA releasing a 1911 even qualify as "news"?  :rolleyes:


Why not?


Many collect more then one WA gun, they are of high quality, offer very realistic features and have full trademarks. Im still waiting for them to release an inifinity that suits my taste and look forward to every new release from them.

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Are they? I'd rather they made something different.


Guilty as charged for making hasty generalisations. :)


I think we'd both agree, however, that WA seem to get off very lightly for knocking out one 1911 after another whereas TM gets a much harder time (and rightly so, IMO) for milking the Armalite cash-cow for all it's worth.


Am I the only one that thinks that WA is creating all these 1911s not out of some deep-rooted desire to create the ideal pistol for every airsofter in the world but, instead, because they can knock out hundreds of slightly different pistols without needing to re-tool and with minimum R&D or production expenses?

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Well, it's not made of pot metal and doesn't need a gas tank on your back! ;)





Ehhh *beep* you :P Its made of pot metal and plastic...


Im not impressed, minimal improvements aside, I'd prefer they released a GOOD 6in Infinity, I'm not a big fan of the gold barrel, rail, and slide serrations on the so called "Expert".


Hissing Sid, I agree completely.

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The Wilson Combat FBI Trial Pistol looks so lovely, but so are most of the 1911 variants. :P As long as WA's making money with their 1911s, they'll keep making them. Just more choices for us to make when we want to buy one. :P


I don't see why people complain about these companies making new guns (or well, ok, same gun with a different look). Do you complain because they are not making the guns you want/like instead? Or do you complain because it's getting more costly to collect all the 1911 GBBs? ;)

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well if you owned a company that manufactures airsoft guns would you try and make new guns that wouldn't make as much profit? or would you milk the low r&d and high profit guns? These guys are in it for the money, not to make every gun out there


Personally my problem with it is choosing a 1911/variant because there's so many

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More interesting is the Arnie´s latest news about possible upcoming WA releases: the Springfield V10 and S&W SW1911. Not that I were interested in new 1911 pistols with merely "new" slide markings, but the rumour that WA would re-affiliate with S&W is definitely a fresh and welcome one!


If you browse the WA website through, there´s absolutely no trace of their past S&W contract. Even the Sigma and Shorty .40 pistols have been deleted from the catalogue (or I´ve just been missing those in the website?). Would they really have re-acquired the S&W license? And Springfield Armory too?


S&W offers a great lineup of different combat autos alongside their revolvers, at least I´m anxiously waiting for WA (or any viable manufacturer) to replicate some of those 3rd and 4th generation pistols into GBB format. Especially the 5900, 4000, 1000 and 4500 series, then again the newer "plastic" hitech pistols like Sigma (again) and SW99 are not-so-high on my wishlist...


This would also increase the interest of S&W guns in Japan in the future!


Edit: WA website URL added.

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oh wow, lool at that. a 1911. wait, what was that pistol they released a few months back? a 1911? oh yeah! don't get me wrong, i love 1911's, but we really don't need a million copies. eespecially since they're just the same models with different markings. though apparently this new one has some sort of whatever. i'll be impressed if WA makes a S&W 4506, and not before.

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I was making the point that they actually made improvements this time. Had they released a rehashed infinity or some other thing, I would care less. But bashing them for new magazines and a new transfer hammer system because the improvements are still for a 1911 is just pointless. I'm not saying WA should keep releasing the same stuff in a different package, but this time, they actually did something.

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And am I the only one who actually likes the look of the long-barelled Derringer?

I think it looks really slick, better than the original. If you ignore the fact that the increased size defeats the very purpose of the Cop 357, it's an interesting piece. Still, in that size category, there are so many more practical alternatives.

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