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KSC/KWA Semi-Auto Glock 23F Review

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Okay here is the Glock23F review..




I suck at writing reviews and I don't know much (and don't really care) about the real steel background, so I will only improvise from here :) (but not give false info)


Bought this gun second hand from the forums. (Cheapskate..) It was in brand new condition and had seen little use. I've been hooked on this pistol just as much as my G19, it's basically a select-fire G19 with a plastic slide (Unfortunately no you can't get these with a pre-metal slide like on KWA G19s)





Well you get the gun, manual, G17 magazine with butt extender, RIS rail block (for mounting two side RIS rails under the rail of the gun) small bag of bb's and a speedloader. You also get this piece of string with a plastic thing on the end.....bleh, can't figure out what it is and left it in the box since receiving the gun..


The box. This is the KWA version G23F, it's normal for G23Fs to be in G19 boxes with a flashy "G23F" sticker labelled on, so don't naturally think I got fooked over!



Build Quality


When the G23F arrived I always wanted to know what material the frame was. If it was ABS (like on a KSC G17) or heavy-weight (like on a KSC plastic slided G19) When I lefted the gun out of the box I felt coldness, weight and satisfaction *dro0L...* it was the HW version, which is much more durable and realistic (not in real steel comparison, as I heard the real ones are ABS) than the ABS frame from a G19.

The slide is the same material used from KSC's Mac11a1, and from KSC G19s. They are very vulnerable to scratching (light scratches, it's even possible to scratch it using ones fingernails..) It's durable and light, but easily prone to scratching..





The G23F trades are EXACTLY the same as the ones found on KSC's G19s (the big G followed by 19 and MILSPEC) not exactly real trademarks, but nothing to fuss about.



Shallow etched trademarks, typical from KSC/KWA guns





Plastic, same material as the slide, has a mini trigger that acts as a safety. Basically if the mini trigger isn't pressed, the main trigger won't move.

Since I don't have my previous G19 review anymore I'm gonna have to go over the triggers on Glocks..

Right.. Glocks have internal hammers. The slide must be pulled for the hammer to be cocked. When the gun is dryfired the trigger will stay stay back, you won't be able to pull it again (until you cock the slide again, which is what happens when the gun is firing, the slide blows back, and recocks the hammer)

That said, we move onto the fire selector


Trigger in the cocked position (ready to fire)



Trigger in the recessed position (hammer uncocked)



Fire Selector


The selector is located ONLY on the left side of the gun (muzzle pointing to the left) which will be a problem for left handers.

The single dot is for semi, middle is for safety and the two dot blah blah you know the drill.. The dots are dented so you can paint them red/white, abit of a shame KSC/KWA didn't do them for us.. No worries.

The selector itself is metal, and CAN'T be moved from the safety position to semi or auto when the hammer is uncocked (trigger in the rear position, read Trigger if you don't understand) so don't try to move it like I did... I almost broke the thing!


The selector clicks quite positively, but still alittle vague like on TM MP5 fire selectors..



Selector in the 'Safe' position





The front sight is a white dot (the white dot isn't paint, it's plastic insert) which is actually located ON the outer barrel. The rear sights are bomar-ish, with two dots (again, with white plastic inserts) rear sight is windage adjustable.



Notice front sight is on the outer barrel





Loading up is nothing unusual so I won't need to go in detail. Gas up magazine, load bb's, cock and fire. Now I've heard people that say the Glock goes *POP POP POP* when fired, well I would half vouch for this.. The *POP* is more of a *PAK!!11oneone* it still sounds awesome, but may sound *teh ghey* to others.. IMO it sounds nice. After a metal slide and barrel fitted it'll be even louder, with added metallic clanking..

Now onto full auto... Ready.. and *PBRHRHHRRRGRHRRRRRfssssssssssssh...* out of gas..... Yes before I go on about the sound, I gotta say first that going fullauto is A WASTE OF GAS. I can barely empty a full mag (G19 magazine = 20rounds) on full auto with a full fill of gas, short bursts are the way to go.

The sound on fullauto is far too loud and intimidating to be honest, it's the EXACT sound from a KSC Mac11. Quote me all you like, it's the truth. Recoil is controlable but the thing is, even when the gun is controlled, the inner barrel is flapping like mad inside the outer barrel (it's suppose to be loose, it's part of the design), so accuracy can't be controlled.

*CS talk here* It's like spraying a Mac10 on Counter-Strike. Uncontrollable, waste of bullets, but fun....



brrrrrrghrhrhgrggrgrgrrr *cough cough* SH!T DAWG dat wigga wastes gas like a mofo!!





I would love to say no, but hey.. every gun has their flaws. The G23F is no exception.

The slide notch in the slide (where the slide catch grabs onto) has worn down and literally ripping through the slide. (I've been using GreenGas with the gun since I got it by the way) 134a might not of caused this problem. Suprisingly though it still locks back, it just locks the slide forward by 1mm extra thats all.

Also, the hop up system. This has happened to my OTHER G23F (I pwn two ^__^) when adjusting the hop up with the tool, the cog would just move, it wouldn't click as you're adjusting it. Pressing into the hop would logically solve this but it doesn't.. So right now one of my G23F has the range of a non-hopped up springer.. -_-' It happened to my metal slided G19 too (which a2 fixed, as it was under warranty) I don't know the cause of this problem, and I'm not 1337 enough to take apart the hop up myself so I won't bother..



Slide notch the slide catch catches onto.. worn down quite badly, but still works!


Upgrades/Aftermarket parts?


The usual stuff:

Metal slide and outer barrel

Hi-Flow valves

Stiffer recoil springs

Strengthened hammer springs

And that's just internals, cosmetics are almost unlimited as the G23F has a 20mm railed frame. Exampled attachments:

Tactical lights (Shown on pictures is the G&P M3 Taclight)



Scope mount


Unfortunately, there is no threaded barrel aftermarket piece for the G23F (The only disappointment..) and while a G19 metal threaded barrel will work, it won't have a front sight (if you remember, the G23F front sight is on the barrel, not on the slide) but funnay enough, I seen pictures of a metal G23F barrel with a thread on the end.. o_O here's one I dug up in my HDD:






My personal favourite pistol. I would stick by it 100% but I know eventually the hop up will fook up like my other G23F. The slide notch won't be a problem as I'm getting a metal slide and outer barrel for it soon.

Heavy, durable, RELIABLE on full auto (never had a jam, unlike the KSC Mac11s.. ¬_¬) loud, fun to shoot, and since it's a Glock series, it'll accept any Glock magazine (Exc the G26)

I would personally recommend this, with a metal slide and outer barrel (pre-installed if you can) if you like Glocks, I would choose this over the whole series. It has the reinforced metal feed ramp and metal guide rod that the G18c doesn't. I've also never heard any stories of the G23F blowing in your face like the G18c...


TaQ's score for the G23F: 8/10

Shame about the inevitable hop up...


It's not raped, for once.. :)


Thanks for sleeping through the review :)


Edit:Pictures uploaded.


P.S Have afew videos of the gun in action.... if anyone answers in my Off-Topic thread I'll get them hosted ASAP

Edited by TaQ
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Thought i would add the other half of this with my review of a KSC 23f. This is my first gas pistol, so I may be baised towards ts good points just because its a new experience for me. Anyway on with the review.


I got this in October '09 but have been unable to go to any games, and did not have any gas so was unable to do any tests. However now I have gas, I can do a review of this great little gun.


The 23F is the full auto version of the glock 19. As you will see on the box there is only a small sticker suggesting that the contents are other than a glock 19. However upon opening the box and seeing to full auto mark on the selector switch I was reassured that I had not just waited a week for this to wing its way to me for nothing.


With the gun came a small tester pack of bbs, a loading tool (interesting design and useful but i still think i could load faster without it) and the instruction manual, consisting of the typical "do not shoot at animals, people, or martians".


Picking the gun up and weighing it in my hands it is a very balanced pistol, and although it is the abs slide version, has plenty of heft to it. good news if you enjoy pistol whipping people *cough cough*. The magazine that came with the gun is not the same as on the box but in fact a Glock 17/18c magazine. Which means all of two/three extra rounds, but it does mean you get the nice plastic magazine grip attachment to lengthen the grip by about an inch. Without the addition inch provided by the magazine with its attachment my pinky was just below the grip, however with it on it gives just the right length for me. As a result I have taped the attachment to the gun, so it is permanently the correct size for me.


The added bonus in my opinion of having this attachment is that it gives some additional friction to the magazine, and after many attempts of having it holstered and pressing the mag release, it did not fall out. Reassuring as I am sure we have all been in the situation where a pistol mag has become detached from your gun and you then have to spend the rest of the day looking for it.


Being KSC the glock will take any KSC glock mags, though you may have to remove the base plates of the 26 series mags foe them to fit. Whilst on the subject of mags. The KSC have baseplates covering the fill valves and also feature a locking feed spring means you do not have to hold the spring down whilst you load.


Size wise, the rest of the gun is very comfortable and well balanced as already mentioned. The 23F falls between the larger glock 17/18c and the smaller 26/26c. And i find that it is not too long/short and fits well into my plce pouch that i substitute for a holster. Having previously had a 18c in aep form I found that it was a bit on the big side, so was after a smaller pistol and after handling my mates 26c which is tiny, was confident that the 23F was the right glock for me.


There is a ris rail on the underside of the frame, though its only an inch long so do not expect to be able to fit a 203 on it. There are also some nice clear trades on both sides of the frame and slide, If you like that sort of thing, personally I am not too fussed, but i will be painting in the selector positions as they are currently black and I would like to be able to see them a bit more clearly.


The only annoying thing about the 23F is that, unlike the other guns in the KSC glock series, is that the iron sights on the 23f are the three dot system as opposed to the U rear and dot front sight on the others. But here again this can be easily remedied as similar to the mags the sights are interchangeable.


The hop unit was of special interest to me as when testing i found that unless properly engaged with the hop tool you could scratch the feed tray on the slide. But the hop seems to be very solid in its design so I doubt that I will have to adjust it anytime soon.


Currently my glock is stock, however I did at the time of purchase, also buy the recommended rocket valve and metal magazine catch, as research and other reviews had suggested that these two parts were the most likely to wear or break.



Overall I am very impressed with the glock so far. But once I have played a few games with it, If the weather ever decides to stop thinking that the UK is located in the bloody arctic, I will add a further review of how it performed. Widely available from shops in the far east. I have only seen it on one site in the UK, I paid just over £100 shipped, which I thought very reasonable.


The box showing G19, its a 23f really.



The inside of the box, with target, sample bbs, loading tool, hop tool, and the extra rocket valve, the extra mag catch is in my bits box somewhere.



Magazine showing the fill valve covered by the base plate.



The three dot sights.



The top of the gun. I really love the look of the slide.



And with the slide locked back. also you can see the selector in the safe position, and the extra magazine grip taped on.



And a short video of semi and full auto. Taken using 134a.


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