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@Scharf: Of course the Vz61 is not of US origin, the Beretta, the Desert Eagle, the CZ75, the Sig Sauer, the Makarov are also not from the US (to my knowledge). I was not ready to re-organise the setting of those replica just to make a perfect split per country origin. My prime intention was to say that the long guns were of US origin not the short ones. English is not my native language.I hope it clarifies. ;)


@Wraith18A: The PKM is an airsofterized (a new word) version. It took me more than 50 hours of hard work to make something working. Inside you can find a Star metal gearbox for M249, a hop-up system from a Steyr-Aug, and a precision barrel that was previously fitted in my Dragunov. In the ammobox -not in this picture- you have a M249 ammobox controlled by sound, a big battery and approx 5000 BBs, just enough to give you some fun for the day.


@Snigel: The SKS is a full custom. I started to buy the ugly full plastic version of the SKS (a sort of shell ejecting replica in soft plastic) and I kept the bolt and the bayonet, that's all. The wood is coming from Izhmash, the barrel from an AK and inside you have a Mauser carbine gaz long version from HFC. Shake everything, put some glue there, cut parts here, repaint and you've got something which appears to have a vague look of the famous SKS. if you are interested by the SKS, Renegadecow is currently building one which will be fantastic.


@Shmook: The vintorez is also a personal custom (don't hang me please for the bad quality of this one). The base is a SRC spetsnaz AK version which was modified externaly with some flat metal panel simply cut and glued on the main body. The Handguard was made with wood and putty, while the barrel is made of the vacuum cleaner tube (what a shame !). The buttstock is coming from a wood version previously installed on my Dragunov, cut and glued to the grip.


@ Stuey: it is a NSPU -not working night vision for collection only-.

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Thanks guys, but you know, this collection was made over numerous years of patience, research, luck and mainly with passion.



@ Razgriz31m: The first AKSU (on the left side of the picture) is simply a Unicorn replica. I love it, as it is full real metal and with some ageing work it became gorgeous. The only personnal touch in this one is the installation of RS wood handguards and modifications of the internal mech (350FPS as it is the maximum accepted in the vast majority of our associations in France for the full-auto guns).

The second one on the right side is based on a GHK (gaz) version which is itself based on a DBoys (if my recollection is correct). I upgraded the internal with the Ra-Tech system (NPAS, Bolt etc...) and put a more modern touch by changing the front set. I mainly use this replica for my MVD impression (not 100% correct I admit):




But this is not the topic of this thread. Sorry. :)

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@ Teflon don: Yes this is The One, it is a replica of the SV98, the russian snipe, with VSR10 (highly) upgraded parts for the mechanic.

Unfortunatly the flash do not give this gun all the color it deserves.

Still a great pleasure to play with, very accurate, 100% reliable, light enough for quick moves and somewhat unique. He has done a tremendous job on it. Unfortunatly it seems that he retired from this business...to my great disfortune as I was ready to ask him to build something special.

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@ MrM60: Thanks. Yes, this is the Ares version (to my knowledge, there are no other versions as of today). The original painting was tan, I just put a camouflage net over it and used some Krylon brown there and there. In fact, I used what I call the "Spray and Pray" technique. Fortunatly, it worked. :D


More details on the paint scheme:



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