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Lets see your gun rooms.

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well as there isnt a "pictures of your gun collections" thread, i guess ill put a couple here, i was tidying the war room so it kind of counts.





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and if you really want to see the war room *warning not for the OCD sufferers among you*





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well as there isnt a "pictures of your gun collections" thread, i guess ill put a couple here, i was tidying the war room so it kind of counts.


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and if you really want to see the war room *warning not for the OCD sufferers among you*



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Time to give up..

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  • 3 weeks later...



a few raritys on the wall.. one of 25 limited dg aks74u's

a sidewinder.. runs of hpa 110 bb's per second.. for law enforecement and military only.. lol

also an old school aeg up there with an old school aeg systema body lol.

under the gun rack is also nothing but floor cabnets.. all full with spare/brand new parts.



sorry for the mess guys lol. i just throw that stuff in there. pvs14 with ops core. and plates.









i got about 15 other rifles in gun bags.

about 30 pistols in cases lol fully built.

and a full crye precision multicam loadout. (Chassis, etc..

multiple loadouts..

Edited by RUSHER2
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  • 4 months later...

Honest question for you folks that have your weaponry mounted up on the walls: Do they not get annoyingly covered in dust which you end up not being able to extract from all the little nooks and crannies inherent in firearms designs?


The actual displays looks brilliant don't get me wrong, but I'm really OCD about that kind of thing personally, I'll usually have a little paintbrush next to my keyboard/laptop ready to dust out all the little channels moulded in the plastic.

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Honest question for you folks that have your weaponry mounted up on the walls: Do they not get annoyingly covered in dust which you end up not being able to extract from all the little nooks and crannies inherent in firearms designs?

Hoover + softbrush attatchment is all you need.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, I finally got all of my guns out of storage and put on a nice Beta-project gun rack. Missing from this picture are my pistols, 56-1, and my Vz61. Will take that picture when I have the time. Of course, the parents are not fine with my guns being in full view of the US embassy and residence below us, so the blinds must stay down.


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