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Suppressors did exist for the K98k during WW2 but they didn't look like Socom suppressors.

If your gonna go to the trouble of mounting a turret mounted scope use the genuine article or a replica(a specialist item be it real or fake) - pricey, depending, but I'm a purist.

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WorldWar II weapon with a suppressor? THAT'S JUST WRONG






Heh, when I first saw it I thought "Rifle Grenade Launcher," but now i see it. Don't ruin the beautiful K98 with that supressor!!


Now, just to show that I aint just spamming, heres my collection. :)




EDIT: Heh, just realized I have already posted this piccy, oh wells.

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I decided to run my 20D through its paces this morning. I still need to desert Bowflage my 6004 holster so it will show up better in the darker-type pictures I take. My brother has my A2 Surefire too, so that's more eye candy that's missing in these two pictures, but enough with the excuses:





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Yes I sprayed though some netting with dark brown and OD green over the tan base layer. I really like the effect although I will probably refine it on the final M4.


Silent scope,

Those are beautiful pics.




- CapaciousZepher

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WorldWar II weapon with a suppressor? THAT'S JUST WRONG





If you want, don't put it, it's only a suppressor!!!! and it is 100% efective, because the 98k run with GAS without blowkback as the pitols... and if you don't like the SOCOM suppresor, change it :D, or use camo mesh that I did.




PD: Sorry if anyone don't understand me, but I'm Spanish :unsure:

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Sten mk.II had a silencer option, and i believe that was used in ww2 (seeing how there are refrences to german units using them)





True, but a suppressor on such a classic bolt action? :no:


But whatever floats your boat.






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My current G36C's setting. (finished only 90%)



The setting is

Aimpoint M2 with lower mount

Real Steel's G36C Handguard

Copy KAC Flip up sights with rail

Surefire M900A

BHI Gladius Night-Ops with offset mount


Arrived accessories:

Real KAC Flip up sights with rail

Real Steel's G36C folding stock with adjustable cheekpiece

GG&G 1 inch flash light mount

GG&G Tactical Impact Device for BHI Gladius Night-ops


Coming accessories:

GG&G off set mount

B&T G36C handguard

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