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Wow, thanks Mars. You've really got an eye for gear. I'm assuming "RRV" is Rhodesian Recon vest (sorry, I'm acronymly challenged).


EDIT: I'm kind of trying to set up a loadout like the one of the guy kneeling in the first picture. I have a question though, does any company make an OD copy of the PACA body armor? My pockets aren't deep enough to buy the real one. Or, does spray paint bond to gear well enough that I could buy the tan King Arms replica and spray paint it RG-ish?

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Alrighty. I'll trust you guys. Now I need to find a cheap dealer for a RG RRV...


(Wanting to build a loadout based on Rangers and I like his the most)


NOTE: I'll have a few more pictures in a few minutes, just have to wait for me slow *fruitcage* computer to load them.

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Well photobucket went insanely slow for me, and I got a little side tracked so I can no longer edit my previous post. Well, here we go:


This one is a good shot of the striaght on of a Ranger's gear and his rifle



This one is a good shot of the side view. Someone help, why does it look like the buckles of the RRV + a cummerbund?



My personal favorite...it is just really cool.



Does anyone know what the top that the guys in the first two pictres are wearing is? Some type of sage flight suit...or are those one piece?


(Sorry if I just raped anyone's connection)

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good Lord that last one is beautiful!


I know, I love it. Not much to look at if your trying to analyze a loadout, but it is an awesome picture.


Btw, it seems left it out of my previous post, but here is the website that I got all of those pictures from. Some of them are monsterously large, so I resized them in photobucket for these boards.

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Ah, so the PC w/ C is kosher for a Ranger loadout, very good. Seems like it would be bulky, a plate carrier over a PACA vest.


Not as much as you would think, it offers the same amount of protection: soft armor with hard armor plates, but i do, myself, prefer a CIRAS over anything else on the planet ;) . Its cummerbunds allow you to put more weight on your hips and waist rather than your shoulders and back (for those of you who didnt know that already)

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I'm kind of trying to set up a loadout like the one of the guy kneeling in the first picture. I have a question though, does any company make an OD copy of the PACA body armor? My pockets aren't deep enough to buy the real one. Or, does spray paint bond to gear well enough that I could buy the tan King Arms replica and spray paint it RG-ish?


Krylon works :) OD works fine





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Yeah, but it still looks really good. If not OD, I'd probably paint it some kind of CB, tan is just too light for me.


I was reading on the wannabe.uk.com forums, and they said that the RRV is more for training purposes and the PC w/ C is better, but judging from the pictures, that can't be true.


EDIT: Medic, does the King Arms PACA replica trap a lot of heat when it is being worn?

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hollerrrrrrrrrrrr at the green spray paint:




check that shizz out. i bet that'd make your paca look reeeeeal nice.


it doesn't 'say' ranger green, but it looks almost dead on to a real grey ranger/ green foliage color. i might have to get a can or two of this.


*edit* - this might be closer to an actual ranger green -




check out the 'forest green' color. i know you can get this stuff at True Value for pretty cheap.



i think either color would be pretty useful to someone with an ACU loadout, though. i might get that Testors and do a couple of my coyote pouches up in that, see how it turns out.

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