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Well then next question...what plate carrier do you think it is. I'm looking on EI's website, and the only thing that looks like the vest in the picture is the Plate Carrier with Cummerbund with the cummberbund removed.

Edited by Sgt. Carter
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Wait...what? I think I understood that you agree that it is the PC w/ C without the "C"...but you lost me on the last part.


Eh, I think it would be an ACU overdose. I don't really like the look of the ACU IBA with ACU...but it keeps you alive so whatever.

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The RLCS is what the military calls the system. The system is made up of pouches/vests in Ranger green. Those pouches are available to the general public, but can be expensive and hard to get. The vest the guy kneeling looks to be an Eagle Plate Carrier w/o the cummerbund, OR it is the Eagle Rhodesian Recon Vest with a hydro carrier.


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That will also depend on what type of unit the Airman is attached to. If they are attached to a conventional unit then the ABU will be SOP, but if tasked to a SF team, ACU will still be used.


RLCS stands for Ranger Load Carry System. It is the standard issue gear made by Eagle Industries that is issued to Rangers in the color Ranger Green.

Touche sir.

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Yea I want an Eagle PC, and when I get a set of ACU's I'll rock it SEALs style, with my tan MICH. I don't want to invest in all MultiCam gear, tan is way more universal.


Yeah, I kind of want one too, especially now that I know it is Ranger (and mom) approved. Unfortunately, my pockets are not that deep and I just bought a Guarder FSBE, so the mother would kill me if I attempted to buy another vest.


But anyways, thanks for helping me out with the RLCS thing, it was killing me not knowing what that guy was using.


EDIT: As much as I love ACU, that picture cracks me up everytime. Didn't even see the guy at first when I saw that picture for the first time.

Edited by Sgt. Carter
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Wow, just read through the last few posts and now I feel kind of odd being pretty much one of the few people here who like all ACU loadouts. No doubt mixed loadouts do look good, but just lack the "perfessionalism" in my eye as one uniform camo does. Such as the German Army, British Army, and Canadian Army have. (Yes I know some units in each of those armies has some mixed loads but for all intents and purposes they are uniform.


Yeah, that picture makes me laugh too. But sometimes it just gets old I guess, it has lost alot of its "LOL" after seeing it everytime someone mentions ACU. If used spairingly it has the potential to be "LOL" again,

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My slightly updated ACU loadout.




Thomas pretty took the words out of my mouth on my view of ACU loadouts. As for my own loadout, I have slowly bought my gear over the years so they haven't always turned out the same color. Doesn't help that some stores that label pouches as Coyote Brown, are actually more like Coyote Tan. ;) Plus, I wanted gear that also works with my MARPAT, so full on ACU gear wasn't an option. Still tweaking my loadout (I still have that one mag pouch that looks out of place, at least imo), but for the most part I think mine is complete. Although I am sure I'll find something else I'll want to add. I can already hear the stores telling me "A1L YoUr m0nEy 4re b3loNg t0 u5!"

Edited by Badly Browned
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ok so i thought this was interesting, and i should therefore plop it in this thread. about the first time i've ever seen ACU gear used with a uniform of another color :




i got all excited for a second thinking the army was making a tacit switch to khaki, but further researched proved the BDU looking things being worn are in fact nomex two-piece flight suits, in BDU-like cuts. interesting.


anyway, enjoy.

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What was your source for info on the bdu's being Nomex? Your original point was more interesting, why are they wearing plain Khaki bdu's?


it was on the lightfighter boards, actually - i searched long and hard on every forum and site i could find about GIs wearing khaki BDUs, and found nothing - 'cuz i guess they're not 'technically' BDUs. the official designation is Desert Aviation Battle Dress Uniform, or DABDU. Most guys on lightfighter were just calling them DBDU's though.




those guys in the picture are from a stryker battallion, and apparently the gen 1 ACU's didn't have the flame resistence required for mounted ops, so these are being selectively issued instead. there's also a one piece khaki version.


i think like most stuff being issued and distributed in the sandbox, though, the choice is mostly on the shoulders of the individual and the small unit commander. note that the other soldiers in the same patrol are wearing standard ACUs.

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Here's a couple I found while surfing the vast database of stuff we call the internet:





The website claimed they were Rangers, but I don't really know the tell-tale signs of a Ranger.



Ok, this post is a little old but since everyone kind of guessed at what was there and were unsure of their facts, I'll clean it up. RLCS is Ranger Load Carrying System it's the standard Eagle Industries kit in Ranger Green.




Kitlist for foreground guy in this picture:


RRV with (what I can see)

Canteen pouch

MBITR pouch

Double M4 pouch(s)

Back Plate

Lo-Profile Hydro carrier


PACA Lo-vis armor carrier


Merrel Sawtooths


Gerber multi-tool on belt


Mich 2000

Tan Krylon

MS2000 Strobe

Petzl Headlamp

Goggle retention straps


Peltor Comtacs





Background guy:


RRV with (what I can see)

CB or MJK M4 doubles

CB or MJK Med pouch


PACA (cannot see but if he has an RRV then 99% chance of PACA)

Multicam 3 day pack


Everything per SOP matches foreground guy










Kitlist for this picture:


RRV with (what I can see)

Admin pouch

MBITR pouch


Merrell Sawtooth


PCU lvl 5 jacket with IR Flag and other patch


DBT Commander forearm board


Map on other arm


Whip antenna on MBITR


Standard headgear w/ NVG

Edited by [BS]_MARS
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