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Review Database Add-on

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Just writing an M500 takedown guide right now, and I noticed there is no category that the guide would really fall under. So I suggest:



Make a new category in the reviews section labeled "Takedown Guides / Maintenance" or something.





Let me know if I'm being a total dunce here and I missed a category in the RD.









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Here's a better idea: why don't the authors just include a section in each gun review on how to take down/field strip the gun if they could?



Shao. Thats too vague. If someone is looking for a takedown guide for a G36c, then they won't look through three hundred reviews just read the same stuff all the time hoping to find a way to take a stock off.



My way seems better to me, just for the sake of simplicity. People who want to find "MP5 takedown guide" will put it in the search box, or look for a takedown guides section first before they go scouering through a bunch of reviews.




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How about we worry about that problem when we have 300 reviews for the G36c in the database?


If each section in a review is clearly labeled, it wouldn't be so hard to find the take down section if there's one, is it? Furthermore, there's a search button for the review database as well.

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Hi all,


Yes Prometheus I think I know where you're coming from. To my mind the best options would be...

  • 1. Writing the guide in HTML and have it hosted yourself (like Gazchap has done with his excellent SL9 guide) or we host it up here as an article. Unfortunately I don't have access to change the article pages so this would have to wait until I either have access, or Arnie gets enough time to sort it out.



2. An exact clone of the "Reviews" database but reserved only for takedown guides. This would require the purchase of another license for the software as we'd be running two copies, but it would be a clear place where people could post takedown guides. The problems with this idea though is that it would allow a lot of badly written guides to be submitted with wrong information and not enough photos, which could lead to readers breaking their guns. It would also still require you to have your own hosting for images as only 6 can be attached to the post. Also, I doubt there would be much call for the system. The number of takedown guides written by members is very small and just wouldn't fill such a system.

A pinned thread is a possibility, but we try to keep the number of pinned threads to a minimum (or the more recently posted threads just end up so far down the page members miss them).


I think the best bet would be to secure your own hosting and a copy of Frontpage. That way you can format it however you like, make it as professional as possible, and if you have a review of the gun in the reviews database, you can add a link pointing towards your takedown guide.


I hope that helps ;)

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Thanks Gazchap. I'll write up my M500 one tonight. I have the pictures for it already, just haven't gotten around to the writing part.


I have the M500 takedown down to the pegasus system. I don't want people to take apart their pegasus inner cyilnder unless its absolutely warrented. But by the time they get down to that point, they should be able to get it on their own.



I'll also do a G36 takedown guide, seeing as I take mine down to every screw and gear at least once a month for cleaning.





I'll be PMing you Gaz in a little bit once I get the thing written up.






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But your way might introduce too many pinned threads on top of the tech section, and make people hard to browse other tech info.


Or, we can combine both our ways: make a sub-section for take down guides, and pin the good ones on top of the sub-section. ;)


What I think Sledge was saying was a siingle pinned thread that linked to every good take down guide. So only one thread would be pinned. This could then be locked and edited by a mod on request so they have control over which are linked to.

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