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The tubing that comes out the back of the reciever (when there is no stock tube) is where you'll see the wires. I had my wires come under it, but you have to dremel the under side of that tube so the wires can fit through the hole of this piece SLG-G08018.jpg


Then you simply put the stock tube on inserting the wire inside first then sliding it on and screwing it into place. And then you'll have youself a rock solid crane stock.


Now the thing I hate about my CA after market crane stock is that after a while it began to make that annoying plastic creak noise AND the butt plate is plastic! lol anyways I recommend something else like a G&P.

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i thinnk the current trend of removing the carry handle and placing on scopes that are to low to see over the front buis is a little bit dumb


HOB (Height Over Bore) is very important when mounting optics/laser and such. It's actually much more practical to have a sight that is as close to the level of the barrel (especially in airsoft where the BBs dont travel very far at all). Having a scope mounted on a carry handle a foot above the barrel is what's stupid, IMO.

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i thinnk the current trend of removing the carry handle and placing on scopes that are to low to see over the front buis is a little bit dumb


The only scopes that are really too low are the aimpoints with the really low mounts, unless those are what you are referring too. Most aim points and other red dots, ACOGs, etc, are mounted so the dot/retical is well above the front sight.

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