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Pics of your SWAT Gear

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Glad your digging the OTV ;) . And did you take those pictures in a hotel?


On a side note, I'm not sure I'd see a SWAT guy rolling a 2000 or M14. 2000 is pretty big/bulky/spendy and M14 is gonna over pen like hell ;)


It's a very nice vest Wombat ;)


I don't use the M14, it's my DMR's weapon. I only picked it up for fun :D But there's gotta be some SWAT somewhere who uses the F2k. Oh well :(

Edited by Unit 318
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Seriously ditch the shemag all that is going to happen in a CQC environment is it gets snagged


That's all fine and good... But I don't play CQC... :rolleyes:



breaks your neck.




Totally kills the impression


I'm not even "SWAT"ing, this is just the only thread that fits the parameters of my gear.

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On a side note, I'm not sure I'd see a SWAT guy rolling a 2000 or M14. 2000 is pretty big/bulky/spendy and M14 is gonna over pen like hell ;)


For Sniping, my friends team apparently uses M14's in Vltor stocks if I remember correctly, I know it was M14's. I don't know what accessories they use to it but that should be more personalized. And for Sniping that takes place from 50 meters away, the M14 does penetrate like hell, though, it gets the job done for the guys. I'm not saying this goes for all SWAT, just one team that I know a guy from.

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Here's a couple of updated images of my M15A4 Carbine. Originally I wanted a M500 but the ones I could get were G&P's and they wouldn't fit directly on a Classic Army without a bit of modding AFAIK.


The G&P R500S throws 500 lumens according to the manufaturer but I would say a more realistic estimate is around 400 lumens... Still very impressive when you consider the price and it has a rechargeable battery... Oh yeah... It looks awesome on a M15...






/ Laursen

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It's funny because he's Belgium. Euro's beat us at wearing our own gear!



:D It's difficult to wear stuff (like patches) from over here, like it is difficult for US airsofters to wear USMARSHAL patches on US soil...but the way around is no problem :P These USMS patches are genuin patches made for the USMS from Eagle Industries to fit their LE Amour carrier... You just have to know who to ask VERY politely. ;)

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