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Pics of your SWAT Gear

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Scroll down to the picture of the 1911 and read the subtitle.



From that article: "An interesting story about LAPD SWAT: Since its inception in 1969 members hadn't had a handgun purchased for them. Every gun that they were carrying was a compilation of complicated :blink: Colt 1911s that they had in their vault...

Misprint... From what I remeber from some random documentary somwhere, that should have read "confiscated" :rolleyes:

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Wow Matt, that is almost exactly what i need. the Old UTG holster is starting to fail me. Where did you get it and what is it called? Also, does it fit your glock well or is it a fitted holster designed for the 1911?


Way to keep this thread alive.

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Hah, thanks. It's a HSGI Drop Leg holster. I got mine from SKD Tac. They have different versions of it to fit different guns. This one is the 1911/M9 holster. They have ones for Glocks, Sigs, and practically any gun that you would need a holster for.

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Havn't got a loadout but I'll go for the "weapons" part of the title










And gonna take a random guess that the Berretta is used by Law Enforcement somewhere seeing as it's so popular lol




feel free to correct if not

Edited by Nicoli
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