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Pics of your SWAT Gear

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matt, i hate to ###### in your cornflakes, but i doubt craft apple works makes that launcher.

Meh. You're correct. At a glance, it appeared to be a CAW, but you're right...it's not. My mistake. Anyone know what exact modle it is?


I have a problem with the second one, I think you know why..

I think you've made that very clear to me. :P


Familiar? Oh yes.



Looks great man. :) You've got that picture coppied flawlessly.

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That shotgun is perfect anyway. :P But what's up with the scope type thing?


Also, after talking a bit more and doing a little more research, it turns out that all these SWAT officers wearing "MARPAT" are actually wearing some kind of Woodland Digital, probably 5.11's stuff. Technically, only USMC soldiers can wear MARPAT, so I'd also think that these officers wearing ACU are actually wearing Urban Digital. Pure speculation and mild research, though.

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Uhh then why do I have genuine MARPAT in mah closet? And why's the local recruiter giving out boonies in MARPAT(No EGA mind you)? Also there's other versions of MARPAT that they're probably wearing. Like the stuff Propper makes probably not 5.11. It's too expensive in most departments opinions.


EDIT: And please resize that picture. Please.

Edited by poorieuser
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I like it, but don't you find that having the PEQ on the inside obscures your sight picture? Not necssarily what you see through your iron sights, but just your total vision in general?


Anywho, nice set-up.


I like the 16" barrel (Looks 16" to me...) btw. I use the same thing, although I haven't had a chance to run it in the field.

Edited by Gigueand
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Well, it does block my view a bit. Not much. It's my only option though, since I have to have a battery somewhere. :P And I don't really want a battery bag. I may eventually get a crane stock, but that is very low on my list right now. Thanks for the comments. :)

Edited by 101matt1
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cool looking loadout. try the PEQ on top with like a GP aimpoint. that would look even nicer!

Thanks. But uh, the PEQ is the D-boys one, so it's a bit too big to effectively use any sites if it's on the top rail. I have moved it to the other side of the gun though, to give me a better FOV.


looking good matt  :D

if i was you id get one of those crane stocks and chuck the peq :)

Haha. Thanks. I'll eventually do so, but like I said, it's not that big of an issue right now. :)


What's with the AK-74 style muzzle break?


Also, all the real pics in this thread show POLICE rather than SWAT patches, might want to sort that if your going for the authentic look.

AK-74 style muzzle break is what Bushmaster puts on their AR-15s, just in a .223 design. Kind of threw me too, until Yeager showed me a link to the actual flashider.


As for the patches, yeah, POLICE patches are a a bit more common than SWAT patches. I'm not going to do anything about that right now, since in a month or so I'll be getting a Eagle PC in Ranger Green, with OD subdued "POLICE" patches.


Thanks for all the kind comments and suggestions. :) It's much appritiated.


I happened to notice in our stack of old newspapers a picture of a local SRT unit. I'll get a picture of the paper later, but they had on ACU trousers (maybe urban digital...I can never tell the difference in those two), a white t-shirt, black boots, PASGTs with BHI goggles, and basically whatever vest they wanted. Some used soft armor with velcro pouches. Some used HRT snap-ons. Some used Omegas, and I think I even see some MOLLE. They were also using Safariland 6004s, and UMG/UMPs. :blink: I didn't know our area had that kind of money. But the loadout certainly looked great, and I'll get some pictures later. :)

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