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[B.o.E] Special Forces Group Game Pictures

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Arnies it is 2007 which is freaking weird but nonetheless the OPS shall continue in full swing. Here are some of the latest Photo's from Operation: Quick Move, which took place on the opposite side of an artillery range out here in Utah.

If any of you are here in Utah and woould like to come out to an OP just PM myself and get the ball rolling .


B.o.E SF


Look in the trees :whistling:


This image was setup . We wanted to see if the Lenses were Shatter proof while it was not being worn and they are not , so it made a good photo .


Lt and W01 Hawk. I am in the full Hood USGI issued Snow Gear as well as Hawk but he has the Boonie on .


Great terrain for Airsoft !!


Comon out and play some SNOWSOFT With B.o.E SF!!!!



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  • 3 weeks later...
from this pic ACU looks like it should blend in well there (as long as that greyish rock is found all over the palce)


You guys have some really nice places to play....Im as jealous as when I saw the sites in Portugal!


Yes there is a lot of the Gravel"rocks" for ACU AUC'S but there is also alot of cover and concealmet around as well as you can see in our last operation that i posted . The place you see with the Rocks is the Same place as you see with Snow in my last post. Thanks for the Nice Words.



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Well Arnies , B.o.E SF was invited to a Huge State Operation in the West Desert of Utah over the weekend and here are some photos from the OP.

You will see that we were split up by Uniforms So all Uswoodlands Germna Flec Woodlands alpenflauge were all teamed togehter and ACU DCU and mixmatched were on the Bad guy Team hahah they probably called all the woodlands the bad guys haha . Any how here are a few pics!





ACU/DCU badguys!


more woodlands :D


B.o.E SF in Raid Woodlands!


You can view all the images from this Operation in OUR B.o.E SF Gallery


ENJOY and Carry On!


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Wow, Rad. Looks like you are bulking up your numbers quite nicely.


Everyone I talked to said the joint-op was alot of fun......no squabbling at all.


Glad to see you and your team all back in the fold.

Thanks Again for the nice words , There is room for one more Skattergun :vodka:


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Well Arnies we had a Co-op Training Operation with a Club known as UCA here is Utah .

Thanks to UCA for great Sportsmanship throughout the Days Operation.

Here are a few images of the Says operation.


Red Teams Sgt Scout Working with Black watch counter Part






B.o.E SF & UCA =Goodtimes

Carry on!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Arnies B.o.E SF has adopted the current US Army uniform as one of our loadouts . Here are some images from our last operation HUA!



Tactical AK ..


W01 Hawk in the Shadows..


Spc Mark Kickn@ss..


Yours Truly with the new Captain Bars. I was promoted at a team function unbeknownst to me . I am truly honored to lead these men who call me Captain Radrockin HUA!!! also this pic was takin after a Cease Fire was called due to the En of our Scenerio so that is why some of our operators do not have Saftey Glasses on!


Get Some!


Thansk to All of B.o.E SF who were able to Attend Op:Lightning.

You can view all of or Operations Images HERE!!!!!

Carry on!

Capt Radrockin

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Arnies once again we had an Excellent Operation here in utah . The name of this operation is Operation:Roberts hill . We based this Scenerio with multiple objectives after the fallen Navy Seal who was ejected from his Helo in 2003 during operation anaconda.

We had a great time rescuing the downd SF operator and FAC . This is dedicated to Navy Seal Roberts and the men who lost their lives and fought on the mountain top in the War on Terror!


It was a bright day in the snowie Mountains .


B.o.E SF and Friends


Sgt Chewy with his new G&G SOCOM16


Capt Rad Unbuckled and taking a moment to recoup after the long 2 hour fight in the Snow .

The Outcome was the SF forces Rescud the two downed Men rallied to Extraction point and Popped Smoke for the Extraction Helo. After we got the wounded out of the area we did a Search and Destroy mission to Eliminate all Insurgents who remained on the Hill .

All I can say is HUA!!!

Capt Rad

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Morning Arnies ,

You know what time it is ....its show and tell time from your friends At B.o.E SF here in Sunny Utah .

It has gone from snow day to hot desert enviorment weather in a matter of two weeks. We are in the process of scheduing Night Ops here in Utah to try and Beat the heat . Here are some of our latest Pics from Operation :Irish Luck and no i didnt name it after the movie i am In the Luck of the Irish . haha





Thats a Loadout W01 HAWK!




SsgtChewy Sighting in his Beautiful MBR G&G SOCOM 16


You guys and Gal Kick ###### I am Proud of you all


Our Newest Recruit "BK" is her Callsign . She is the Wife of one of our Men . Thats support on the Homefront!


Lt.Ajax Explaining the ROE as we do every OP this instills Saftey first and foremost!!



You can view all of our images at WWW.BLACKOPSELITE.COM

Capt Rad.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well Arnies Blackops Elite has hosted its First National Operation ... Operation:GLASSJAW

Thanks to Team Delta Force from Idaho for packing up and buggin from Idaho and Out to Utah to make the Operation the success it was . Note the town of bauer is a great Venue for Airsoft here in Utah .


Location: Bonny, Niger Delta, Nigeria (Bauer)

Game Type: Mulit Objective Scenario.




The Oil Rich Niger Delta has been a hot bed of violent activities since the failed government's promises to share the wealth from the exportation of the oil that the country has. Niger is capable of being the third largest oil exporter in the World however due to corruption and civil wars this is near impossible to achieve for the countries well being .




The city of Bonny is located in the southeastern edge of the Niger Delta and is a critical hub for oil export. Bonny has a population of 26,000 Mostly Impoverished residents. Ajax Crude INC. has been working in this area developing and sustaining the Oil Export facilities for 10 years and they have done little to benefit the local communities.




M.E.N.D. ( Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta )

Is a Large established Group of under funded militia men bent on the destruction and expulsion of foreign oil companies who MEND feels is contributing to the impoverishment of the people while government officials sit back and get rich.


March 29 2007 MEND staged a large offensive in the city of Bonny with the sole objective to decimate the Oil export hubs located in the city. MEND with an estimated force of 150 gorilla fighters attacked the city to capture and hold hostage Ajax Crude INC. Staff and Destroy the Primary Oil Transfer Hubs. However MEND did not adjust for any type of counter action which was in place by prior by Ajax crude Inc.


Ajax Crude Inc. in anticipation of any offense had put into place a plan utilizing Elite Prior SF Contractors. The Group of 8 Contractors held a valiant defense and allowed for the evacuation of Ajax Crude Inc. employees and family members in addition to Destroying MEND's IED Teams, Securing the Hub. The Contractors Stalled the MEND offensive for a period of 24 hours eliminating most of the MEND fighters while sustaining minimal casualties. The Contractors were forced to eventually surrender because there ammunition was depleted during the firefights.


March 30th. MEND Forces Occupied Bonny, and are holding the Contractors Prisoner. The Remaining MEND fighters cannot destroy the Transfer HUB because the IED was destroyed during the prior night offensive. They still possess the Combination Codes to Arm the Bomb as well as Specific Instructions on where to Place the IED and they are now just waiting for reinforcements and a new IED device.


Marc 31st. U.S. Intelligence has been monitoring the situation and has deemed the situation critical to the Security of the country. The Cruiser U.S.S. John Wayne Patrolling the cost of Liberia was alerted on the 29th of the situation and has been in route for days. On board is a Specialized Unit of Fighters known only as Delta force. They are tasked with locating the MEND documents stating Exact IED placement Coordinates then secure the hub. As well as Rescue Hostages if possible.







Special Rules: No Radio Communication, No Medics. No Re-spawns. (Until later)



Group 1. (1 BoE Squad or max 6 ppl) 20 min Deployment time then GAME STARTS. Group 1 Deploys from Briefing Area. (if you die before reinforcements arrive, you CANNOT re-spawn until 1 hour Time is reached)

Group 2. (2 BoE Squads or max 12 PPL) 20 Mins AFTER game Starts. Deployment Zone: MEND STRONG HOLD. (reinforcements)


If you are killed, you Must Go back to MEND Stronghold and wait for 1-hour time limit to Lapse.


After 1 Hour Lapses: Dead MEND fighters will take the Bomb (Located @ Strong hold) and Proceed to Plant at Transfer Hub (SPECIFIC LOCATION will be marked with FLAG position) Fighters Still @ Main Bauer Can Rally With Bomb Team if they wish.


Objective: Hold Administrative Complex for 1 hours Time. Mend Forces Must Hold Hostages, and Defend Brief Case Containing Combination to IED Box. Hostages cannot be moved after Deployment, Hostages cannot be killed. One Hour after Game Start All Dead Mend forces Re-spawn @ Stronghold to Plant Bomb. Bomb Must be set to 10mins (Egg Timer) and then Locked with A combination Lock. ANY mend Fighter can do this. MEND fighters can Also Capture Delta Spawn. (Cannot be re-taken)




6-10 Players.


Special Rules: 2 Re-spawns. Re-spawns can be given to Contractor Team. One Medic Per squad. 10 Bandages per medic(cannot replenish) Can Set Spawn Flag Anywhere. Delta force will have 2 Room Clearing Grenades (thrown into building, All inside are Automatically Dead) Be careful of FF.


Deployment: 20 Min Deployment Time then GAME Starts. Delta Forces Cannot Engage until Spawn Flag is Set. ( if you set too close to the fight, and flag is under fire, Delta cannot re-spawn)


Objective: Locate Briefcase, Rescue Hostages, Defend Transfer Hub (defuse Bomb). You have 1 hour to secure the Brief Case to locate Combination to the Lock within. You can Also Rescue Contractors, to assist in the fight. FRIENDLY FIRE COUNTS. If you KILL A Contractor, They are OUT. Delta Force Can Share Spawn Chips with Contractors After Rescue. MEND reinforcements are expected 20 mins after Game start. if Combination Is Located within 1 hours Time, Delta Forces Can setup Defense of Transfer Hub.



TEAM: Contractors.


One Boe Squad (6-8 Players)


Special Rules: No Re-spawns (unless given By Delta Force) 1 Medic (cannot be used until Rescue). Contractors will have Full Load out, but cannot use until Rescue. Contractors Cannot Escape, and Are Not Immune to FF.


Deployment Time: With Group 1, MEND Forces.


Objective: Contractors must wait To be Rescued, If Delta Forces Choose to Rescue Contractors, They are allowed to Fight for the remainder of the game, Re-spawn chips can be given to Contractors but Delta is not Required to. Upon Rescue, All Further Objectives follow and should be played as Delta Force Reinforcement



MEND Fighter (KIA)


MEND Fighter(KIA)


MEND Fighter(KIA)


Delta Force(KIA)


Delta Force(KIA)


Delta Force(KIA)


MEND Fighter(KIA)


Thanks for a Great OP Team Delta Force !


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are a few images from the files of B.o.E 04.14.07 Training.



W01 Airborne and his G&G GR25 500fps ..


Sgt Mark Using his WE 1911 Government to get close and personal with the Op4


Diesel Moving up on the AO


Old Glory !


One less Op4 to deal with nice shootin!


Got Combatsim?


Capt. Rad

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I would stop by and share some photos from Our Last State Operation we had on 4.28.07 out in the Utah West desert.

I am truly proud of all the guys and gals who brave the heat and 400fps bb's . All i can say is Hydration is a mandatory piece of equipment for B.o.E SF and when in the desert on a horse with no name it feels good to have a hydro tube to suckle from .. ;)


B.o.E SF We operate as two 12 man ODA's or A-TEAMS.


This image is a mix of players that were in attendance to the UA.com Op!


This is a photo of myself, A B.o.E recruit "cowboy" and the shoveler off camera is W01 Hawk we are searching for a "Nuke" which was buried and we retrieved it after 25 minutes of digging the Objective was completed and the world was saved ;)


I will go back to lurking ...

Carry on!


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  • 2 weeks later...

It was a great Weekend to represent Utah in the national Airsoft Community At Operation LIGHTING FURY in BOISE ID, face to face . Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Norway were all represented and B.o.E SF did an Outstanding job as the Ambassadors for Utah Airsoft HUA!!!

. You men and women who deployed with B.o.E are the examples of what we do here in Utah B.o.E style , You men and Women made me proud . MAG and MFI did an outstanding Job hosting the event BIG SALUTE to Deadly and your wonderful props , The SAM site was outstanding and the green flowing Nuke was AWESOME . There were no arguments or whining from folks who got shot in the face rather high fives photos and lets do it again . all sides played for Fun and to Win and the end result was MAG / Bravo Company Completed the Objectives and B.o.E MFI/Alpha Company gave them a run for their Money with out a doubt .

Salute to Bravo Company and Alpha Company for a Long Fought Weekend of Airsoft.



Carry on!


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  • 2 weeks later...

B.o.E Hosted it's first Night ops here in Utah , We had lots of Glowsticks and intense Tracer unit firefights and I got shot allot and shot allot haha good times . The night is a whole new element to Combat

The Dusk Operation were an excellent opportunity for everyone to get familiar with the terrain we operated in . I came across a baby Rattler and went the other way . I am impressed more and more with the Team work and unity that you all commit to in battle , sticking with your squad even when mixing up the squad , i think you men realize that no matter the Gold Blue Black or red patch we are all on the Same team and can work together and understand the same command and control tactics we train so much on . UNITY is the most effective weapon in airsoft and you men show it.






I would also like to thank our Sponsor for the B.o.E night Ops www.TACTICALAIRSOFTSUPPLY.com


Once again thanks to all of you who support AIRSOFT all around the WORLD .



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  • 3 weeks later...

Once again Arnies Another Great Operation was hosted in the Utah Mountains . B.o.E was in woodlands and for good reasons as you will notice it is getting green here and we love it . We have a new command Center and it is Awesome Salute to our Sponsor who donated it to the Airsoft team Turtle Tuff Shelters Awesome shelters !










has anyone seen my Hair?


Command Shelter You wish you had one for your team well you can send me a PM for Details .


Yup it's badass and every Airsoft team should have one .



Well enjoy the pics and the action and be sure to check out our Commnad shelter's Specs here Turtle Tuff Shelters



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Arnies we had a great Night Op in the Ghost town we all love here in Utah , Be advised there is a half moon out and that is it . You will see Tracer Battle images and Operators moving about in the photos ..




Spawn Postion. Glow stick color determins who owns it. Green is Marker.




Toolman shot me??? looks like Glycerin.... Tker!!!


intense firefights, you can see the tracer rounds targeting the cameraman






bauer @ night is a whole diffrent world


someone swapping flags



Carry on !


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