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Crazy gifs thread


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The mods are always on peoples' cases about 'saving bandwith' and whatnot.  Maybe we should just do what they say and help save bandwith?



If people are stupid and/or self-important enough to post the same picture in 2 threads then there is a waste of bandwidth.


If people restrict their posting to one thread or the other then there is no "waste" of bandwidth.


Personally, I'd rather there were different threads for different variations of the same thing SO LONG AS people restrict their posting to the relavent thread.


Obviously a line needs to be drawn somewhere. If people start sub-categorising things too much then it needs to be stopped.


In this case, however, it seems that this thread has a valid stand-alone topic so I'm happy to let it fly as long as people DO only post animated gifs.


Incidentally, let's not forget that this thread came BEFORE the "funny pictures" thread.

Suggesting it is closed on the basis that it now could be incorporated into another thread would be like me posting a picture thread entitled "Pistols" and insisting that all the threads about Glocks, Berettas, 1911s and god knows what else are all closed because my all-encompassing pistol-pictures thread now exists.

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In this case, however, it seems that this thread has a valid stand-alone topic so I'm happy to let it fly as long as people DO only post animated gifs.


Incidentally, let's not forget that this thread came BEFORE the "funny pictures" thread.


Two slight problems with your thesis, Professor. First off, so was the other one. Just deleting off-topic posts would have solved the problem. Hell, it was mainly soadrocker's fault for getting the other one closed by spamming all the Pedobear images at the very end.


Secondly, note the date. Funny pictures thread came a month before this one. Unless every calender that I own is incorrect, and September comes before August.


Suggesting it is closed on the basis that it now could be incorporated into another thread would be like me posting a picture thread entitled "Pistols" and insisting that all the threads about Glocks, Berettas, 1911s and god knows what else are all closed because my all-encompassing pistol-pictures thread now exists.


No, suggesting it is closed on the basis that it now could be incorporated into another thread is justified, because in this case, the other thread came first.

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