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AK & Variants Picture Thread

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It seems not many ASK migrants were AK fans, sigh.....


Anyway done some work on my dboys AKSU, cut the handguards so there the vented type, changed the serial number (unfortunately couldn’t change the 9 to a 8 :( ), temporary fixed the bolt (need a new one, PM if ya got one) and beat the $h!# out it




All i need now is a VFC plum grip or a Inokatsu AK74 grip to complete it (im aiming for a 1981 or 1984 model, so if anything’s wrong please make suggestions, i like accuracy)


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Gorgeous Avtomat Fin! :D


I'm going to try and do the serial number thing to my bolts, top cover and handgrips- But I'm trying to find a number punch or dye tool somewhere.




Quick question for the 'kalash-heads here: (Kalashnikov, not the DBoyis brand :P )


Has anyone used and have pics of a AK47 with the G&P MBK? I'm getting a CYMA and of course want to wrap her in metal goodness :D




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Went through the last 20 pages or so, but didn't find any answers, so I figure I'll just go ahead and ask...


What are your guys initial thoughts on the D-Boys AKS 74 UN? I'm interested in picking it up as a backup/loaner.


Thanks for any and all help.





No worries mate-


We keep such things in the 'Articles' and Readers Review section-


'Ere ya go!






-Generally I think its a hit! I love mine








Edited by Guinness
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I'm not sure if it's okay to post such a request here, but the search function doesn't work - it says there are no results, no matter what I search for (and it's been like this for many days now).


Anyway, since I'll be starting a new AK project within two months (another, better wz.96 Beryl rifle), I'll need a little bit of help from owners of various AK replicas.


Could you guys please post pictures of....


- the rear sight base as it is underneath the lower handguard of the following models: VFC AK-74 (not AKSU!), BOYI/D-BOY/Kalash AK-74 (again, not AKSU), CA SLR-105 Steel version,


- flashider thread of all the above (part of the sight post, as in the real deal, or part of the barrel as in ICS, large, as in the real thing, or airsoft-standard 14mm, etc)


- a look into the barrel (if the flash hider thread is a part of the front sight post, then with the front sight post removed...)... basically I want to see the thickness of the outer barrel and how much gap there is between the outer and inner barrels...


This might be valuable material for anyone planning custom conversions, so I think it might be good to post it here for the general public :)

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Hate to burst your bubble but that ain't steel. Class A Chunkymonkeymetal, better yet known as Pot metal. Its an aluminum alloy. So you better not post it has steel...AS a full billet of steel would be damn hefty and expensive...


You're right, it looks like pot-metal from that pic. But it has been said in reviews and retailer sites that it is steel. This pic shows it better. Its not shiny or bluish, but it could just be overpainted steel. It doesn't look too much like pot-metal up close either.


Also, its not that uncommon for mpegs to be made up of steel nowadays.

Edited by Revenge Seeker
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the outer barrel of the 035 is metal. maybe not steel but definitely metal since it sticks to a magnet. the front sight and muzzle device is pot metal. so are the handguard retainers, the receiver, the rear sight block, the side mount plate,and the folding stock trunnion.


@jonboy: may have some answers for you on the Kalash RK02/03 as soon as we open up the unit we are testing.



zT :assassin:

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Hate to burst your bubble but that ain't steel. Class A Chunkymonkeymetal, better yet known as Pot metal. Its an aluminum alloy. So you better not post it has steel...AS a full billet of steel would be damn hefty and expensive...


Actually, no it wouldn't. The DBOY / Kalash AKSU is indeed made of steel and actually cheaper than the CYMA model in many stores.

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Dookie's correct. Newhotness has a cast-potmetal CYMA AKSU, not the stamped-steel DBoys or Unicorn AKSU.


no no, I was just commenting on the idea that a steel bodies AKSU would be more expensive. Around here, the steel DBOY model is actually a bit cheaper than the alloy-based CYMA.

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