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PKM kit


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I have the knack of churning out unique kits as exemplified by my Ultima Ratio last year, SVU last October and now I've just finished with a PKM kit which is also my last build for the year (now I have to find out a way to clean my room with the mess I made just making it). The PKM started out as a phone call a month ago. A good friend of mine called me up and demanded I make him a PKM. "All right", was all I said without looking before the leap. Now, 3 weeks of boozing up and 1 week of hard labor, it's finally done and I have fresh pics to show you all for the New Year!





Zounds! The feed tray comes up like the real thing!





Removable box mag. Made out of PVC.




The base gun is a CA SLR105 but I could have just as well worked on any AK variant. The flash hider is from an SVD, bipod from an RPK. The butt stock, carry handle, feed tray modification and box mag I had to churn out on my own. The only thing left are linked dummy rounds which I leave to my friend in finding because I've already surrendered the gun to him half an hour ago.

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Thanks all. The battery does go in the mag however I made a slight mistake in dimensions so that you can only fit a 9.6V sub-c battery if you splice it in the middle with an inch or so of wiring in between. The wire leading from the mag and into the gun should be concealed once dummy rounds are put in place. Linked 7.62x54 rounds are very hard to come by so belted M60 rounds should be ok. I didn't want to start all the way from scratch, otherwise I'd still be working all the way until February, so a lot of compromises were made. Most noticeable would be the inverted bipod (it should fold towards the operator) and the receiver. But I wanted to keep cost down which brings me to the kit price, which is a bit under $100.

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Renegadecow: I'd advise you to seek the permission of Arnie before attempting to make a commercial thread out of this. While we're more than happy to support commercial entities who operate on here with our consent, those who attempt to use this site for their own profit without that consent often find themselves rapidly in the staff's bad books.


Thanks. :)

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I would if a could but I can't due to sucky importation laws. I can't exactly sell any of my stuff other than to those where I live so just sharing whatever stuff I make here through pics and info is the only gratification I can take. :D The price I mentioned above is mostly just production cost as requested by gingernuts.

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