Home Retailer News New stock at Evike.com

New stock at Evike.com

by Arnie

Ernest has sent in some news from Evike.com about a new HFC copy of the VSR-10 that’s out and in stock with him now, apparently it’s not the UTG clone that’s also on the way out, there’s also an XM8 style chassis that’s ready for the installation of some G36 AEG guts:

Evike.com will be receiving a shipment of the anticipated HFC VSR-10 sniper rifle clone. It is not the UTG clone that people might think it is. The price will be set at $150.

Also coming in Friday will be an XM-8 clone made from the same “generic” company that made the Matrix AK-47. It has the same concept of switching gearboxes. Just drop in a Marui G36C gearbox and it’s good to go. Ernest

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