WA SVI Trigger tuning – by
Matthew Dean (aka MobiusStrip) written Friday, May 17, 2002
plate connector # 36 Once removed from the frame, this part again has rough edges to it, by now the phrase, “break the edges with 800/1000 grade abrasive” paper should be springing to mind. Post Assembly Tuning Time Now strip the gun, and reassemble, minus the Beavertail. Now looking
Also look for scratch marks on the inside of the
Beavertail where the Hammer strut may have rubbed. If it has rubbed, and the Hammer Strut is already de-burred, (see above), relieve the inside of the Beavertail where there are rub marks with a half round needle file, then blacken up with a marker pen, reassemble, hold back trigger and move Hammer back and forth. Disassemble and check for marks. Repeat this process until no contact is made. Make sure the gun is lightly lubricated with a good quality oil,