So folks the time has come the site will shut on the 28th of February.
It has been a blast but time passes and life moves on. I am afraid I have very limited time for the website and airsoft now; that’s obviously reflected here. We are now in a position where the rather substantial costs of running a rather large hosting server are not justifiable any more. The site was never set up for profit and simply as a fun project and then developed into a community resource. We haven’t asked for sponsor or supporter funds in some time as it didn’t feel right.
Now comes the time for things to draw to a close. The data will not be backed up. There’s far too much data in the forums for me to do anything with it or manage it sensibly.
On the 28th Feb the data will go and I will move the domain to a simple holding page. If you have data in the forums please do grab a copy.
I/we would like to thank everyone that’s made the community what it is for the last 25 odd years. Without you the site wouldn’t be here or have kept going.
“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”
All the best folks, Arn
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