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Help for Heroes Day ( H4H1 )


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NORTH WALES 15th November 2008

We will be dedicating this Day to Help for Heroes fund
and attempting to raise as much as we can for this charity.

With Remembrance Day looming we would love for the Airsoft Community
to come together and help raise a large amount for the Help for Heroes fund.


This registered charity (Help For Heroes) was the idea of Appeal Chairman Bryn Parry
and a group of friends and relations, many of who have connections with serving servicemen and women.
Bryn and his wife Emma wanted to do something to help the wounded
and came up with the idea of a sponsored bike ride.
They mentioned it to some friends who mentioned it to some more friends
and suddenly Help For Heroes was born and growing fast.
A flurry of visits to various offices led to the campaign being blessed by the head of the army,
Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Richard Dannatt.


Help For Heroes is backed by the Army Benevolent Fund, the Army’s own charity that does wonderful work for soldiers
and other servicemen and women both directly and through its support of other service charities.

Hopefully we will make this event an annual event and raise as much money as we can for various charities.

This will be the first of hopefully many fundraisers - the second is already in the making and looks like a full national event over 48hrs so watch out for it in AI.

So come along and join us for H4H1 in North Wales 15th November 2008-09 for our first H4H Fund Raiser!
The event is being held in the forests of North Wales near the town of Denbigh.
The site covers three square miles of mainly pine forest, quite dense in parts.
It has a main track running through it with smaller access roads that encompass the site.
If any of you remember Town Assault 4 (The Hornets Nest)
this is the same site at which we are holding the event.
If you wish to use a vehicle on site then please let us know.
If you need a B&B or place to camp please let us know and we will help find it for you.
Site Map, Multi Map Ref: DENBIGH SITE MAP
check out
our website: www.a-troop.com
or give us a call: 07917 363744
Or send me a PM and I will book you in for the event.

Come on Guys Rally the Troops and let’s try and raise as much as we can for this worthy cause! :)
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H4H .1 Operation Bumble Bee.

Saturday 15th November 2008

£ 25.00each for the day

British forces


This operation has been instigated by British forces. Due to intelligence reports form HQ Russian special forces have parachuted into the area to set up a secrete radar station that intercepts military radio frequency’s They are expecting a supply drop today and it is your job to stop them getting the supply’s. They mainly travail light and on foot so as not to draw attention to them selves. The main purpose of this mission is to disrupt enemy supply routes that are delivering vital supply’s, to the enemy’s Radar site that is somewhere in the area.
Orders are:

1) Cause the maximum collateral damage to the supply dumps and to interrupt the enemy by ambushing their convoys along key routes through the forest.
2) To discover the location of this Radar site and report it back to HQ. Once located your forces intend to send in an Air strike on the camp which will put the enemy out of action for the time being.

Russian forces


It’s your mission to collect all supply drops from grid refs
which will be given at the time of the supply drop.
Once located you must secure the area and gather up all the supplies,
and transport them safely to your radar station.
If any of your supply’s fall into enemy hands you must not louse track of them,
as they are vital to your operation, and successful completion of your mission.
Your Orders are:

To defend all bases and supply dumps. Defend all convoys,
And to relay shipment safely between drops and your radar station.
Locate British forces that seem to be a thorn in your side and destroy their camp.
Only Total elimination of British forces will stop them from disclosing your location and numbers.


Be aware that mercenary’s are operating in the area, and are hostile to all.
If you are captured by them it is possible to bribe them with cash to let you go free!!!.
If they them selves are captured pay them enough and they will fight for you!.

Please be advised that we currently have NO facilities on site!
The site is in Three square miles of forest we have no shelter no toilets and no electricity.
You will need to carry every thing you need for the day with you!
Map, Compass, waterproofs, Water, Whistle, a packed lunch, Hot drink, and a good pair of boots, toilet paper, spare change of clothes that you can keep in the car. And don’t forget your RIF.
If any one wishes to loan weapons please let us know as we only have limited shock.
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1 Dave P.

2 Pugh G.

3 Adam P.

4 Dave Y.

5 Kev F.

6 Will E.

7 Simon H.

8 Jonathan H.

9 Dan (GR).

10 Alax (GR).

11 Jerry M

12 Richard Liam F

13 Ryan D

14 Brandon M

15 Ben A

16 Daniel F

17 Chris J

18 Paul H

19 Mark D

20 Sean B

21 Mike T

22 George M

23 Liam P

24 Dan C

25 Will L

26 Christian T.

27 Paul Betts.

28 Josh R.

29 Dominic B (GR).

30 John T (GR).

31 & 32 John and Son (GR).

33 34 35 Robert P x 3 (GR).

36 48 First And Only Guys x 12.

49 Dave B.

50 cafemondo.

51 Dave K.

52 Lewis K.

53 War Chain.

54 Adrian.(GR)

55 Zoli.(GR)

56 Taffyjohn

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