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About Hairy

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    Regular Poster

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    Reading, UK
  1. Some of us might feel a little left-out at times (cough) , but I'd say that keeping it community-controlled is A Good Thing. People will soon work out which people add meaningless negative comments. At least it'll prevent any "MODZ AM WER BAD TO MEEZ!!1!!1!" comments. I hope.
  2. Hmm... having seen the site that automatically translates pages into (among other things) Elmer Fudd and the Swedish Chef.. how about a translator from L33t to English? A few "Automatic translation: no content found" messages might do something? Maybe?
  3. Could be a "funny" on my personal system, but I've noticed that the last couple of times, finding a full page (and clicking on the "page 2" link at the bottom) marks the entire forum as read. Haven't got a clue as to which Page 2+ topic I replied to - guess I'm going to have to scan the whole of page 1 and try to find what I've said, and when Bit of a b*gger, really..
  4. Yes.. found that out by accident on ukasc a while back.. It's a lot easier if you can just click on something where you are anyway (at the bottom of the page..)
  5. Ho about an extra "Mark Forum as read" button at the bottom? Might just be me, but I tend to read downwards.. and then have to scroll back to the top..
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