2002 News
September 2, 2002 9:03 PM
(GMT) |
New UK EagleIndustries distributor: Nick Parker of Drop Zone Supplies, has just dropped us news that they are to become Eagle Industries 'sole UK retail/wholesale agents'. Here's what he had to say (thanks Nick): "...we have
just concluded talks with Eagle Industries, Tactical Equipment manufacturers
in the US, to act as their sole UK retail/wholesale agents in the UK,
excluding Police contracts.
AirsoftPlayers updates: Pikachaod has added a great review of the KWC M16 gas rifle to AirsoftPlayers. First looks may turn you away (yes it does look very much like something you would wave to direct Aircraft on a runway ^_^ ), but do read the whole of the review, as there's more to this gas powered puppy than meets the eye. "...I have never been a fan of gas guns, and for two reasons. First, my luck with gas guns is been just plain poor. I have only ever had one gas gun work for me well, and that happened to be the first gas gun I ever owned- the KWC Desert Eagle. Second, most of the gas guns on the market (when dealing with rifles) are practically antiques, and parts are either hard to get or expensive. The KWC M16 is thus poised to be the one gas gun I might be able to stand. :) It is made by a company I have had good fortune with concerning gas guns, and it is a current release gun. So Plycon's Armory decided that I should check one out. And I did. And here is what I found..." |
DragonValley2: "Just when you thought it was safe to get back into.." Wales DV2 springs up! ^_^ Sadly DragonValley, a much loved skirmish site, was forced to close down not so long ago, due to forces out of their control. Well the DragonValley(DV) team were not to be beaten, and have found themselves a new site in South Wales, and launched DragonValley2. They've also released a new trailer for the site, which you can find here: http://www.btinternet.com/~russellhocken/teaser.avi. It's about 4 meg in size, but it does give you a good idea of what to expect at the new site. Here's what the DV2 team had to say: "Dragon Valley is putting it's finishing touches to their new home, near Newport, South Wales. Opening Sep 2002 , check our website soon (www.dragonvalley.co.uk ) for more details on what is shaping up to be one of the best CQB sites in the UK." Thanks go out to the DV2 team for keeping me updated (Pigpie, Kalon, and Bri). |
AirsoftDivision: AirsoftDivision are a retailer that I haven't spotted before (http://www.airsoftdivision.com). I know very little about them at the moment, although I recognise the author of the product reviews on the website. I know they ship to just about everywhere where Airsoft is legal (including the US and the UK). I've sent out a few emails so hopefully I'll get some feedback. If you know these guys, or have had customer experiance with them please let me know. |
New link: BBSoft (http://www.klaxon.eclipse.co.uk/bbsoft/) are a new online UK retailer, and they've just notified us that they are now open and ready for business. I've now added them to our comprehensive links section.
It may not be to everyone's tastes (I sure think it looks like the product of an old Hammer film) but it looks like it'll get the job done. Food for though I suppose. ^_^
Also of note on their news page is a custom tuned 'n painted M4A1 'EGO', just don't drop it as you'll never find it ever again! ^_^ This rifle is actually a completely custom build by Echigoya themselves and comes in at a stonking 80,280 Yen. The internals have been refitted with completely custom parts and the main selling point of the rifle is their electric 3700 box mag... but then again who really cares with an impressive paintjob like that? Your opponents will be too busy dribbling to fire back! Sadly Echigoya don't ship internationally, but some of their products do make it to the HK retailers from time to time. If you do happen to find yourself in Japan (either on a business trip, or badly hungover after your stag night) you can find directions and contact details to their shop here. |
Male Airsofter, UK seeks similar: (Sorry Roger ^_^) Roger Stenning, of Practical Airsoft fame is trying to get in contact with a bloke he met up with at the SWAT big game. For more details check this thread over at UKAN. Honest his intentions are entirely honorable, I'm just taking the Michael: "...To the lad who showed me his South African Assault Vest, in British DPM camouflage: Could you contact me, please? I need a couple of details from you that I forgot to take at the SWAT Big Game 2002! " Marushin updates Marushin, seem to have been busy bunnies too of interest in the line of Marushin updates is news of a new sports rifle (any ideas what it is) a Kar98 and an M1 Carbine. "Bah!" you say.. "we've already got an M1 Carbine, and a Kar98k", ah but no.. these are 8mm BB versions. ^_^ Check
these three images below for more info (source L.A.Gunshop)
While we are on the L.A.Gunshop front, be sure to checkout the 'Raging Bull MAXI' a new 8mm revolver from Marushin, it's big it's bad, and it is sported by Leon himself (Jean Reno). Yes folks Marushin are really going to town with the new 8mm 'standard', which can't be a bad thing. (sorry I've edited this post, originally I had Marushin/Maruzen round the wrong way)
AirsoftPlayers updates: AirsoftPlayers has been updated with pictures from DENTrinity of the new TM MP5 RAS. They also have three new reviews online, two that I forgot to mention before (sorry Pika). The three new reviews are that of a cusotm G3 SV, a P90 with Laserex Laser, and the Guarder SOG vest. Thanks go out to VIPER for the friendly prod.
Also thanks go out to Chris J. for mentioning the overlooked fact that it mentions on the Maruzen advert that they are also working on an M4A1 (it's at this point 50% of you start screaming "yay!" and the other 50% hide under the table, yes the Armalites aren't to everyone's tastes). Also a big thanks go out to MMZ-C- for reminding me to add the pictures. As you can see the MP5k CQB from Maruzen is basically an MP5k GBB with a bunch of RIS rails on it, not hugely insiping to be honest, but it's fairly original. Update: Chris J. kindly reminded me that the new M4A1 from Maruzen is said to be a GBB, and that the Scorpion will apparently "...operate with a closed bolt design to mimic the real-steel as far as possible..." You can find larger versions of the above pictures by clicking on either of them. If anyone can read the Maruzen adverts (found here), I'd really appreciate an English translation for publication here. |
PSG1 Custom battery article link: To compliment the great article by Wallace of (AirsoftOhio) on how to build a custom PSG1 stock to fit a larger battery, Gabriel Capili has sent in this link (http://www3.xdsl.ne.jp/~rain/gggun/custom/psg1/psg1.html . The page features slightly different idea to fitting a custom battery to the PSG1 stock - it's rather ingenious actually. The site is in Japanese, but the pictures speak for themselves (thanks Gabriel).
Link updates: I've started clearing my email box of the huge backlog, and to start things off here's some new links that I've added to our comprehensive links section.
APS2 disassembly and upgrade guide: Mu|Dv|Ay|Ne has very kindly researched, written and sent in this intricate and well written guide to the disassembly and upgrading of the Maruzen APS2. It primarily centres around the SV (sniper version), but the advice can equally be applied to most similar spring sniper rifles, including the APS2 OR (original version), Super-9 and the Sun-Project M40/M400 series.
Guestbook offline: Well it had to happen sometime. This morning at around 10:00AM GMT our beloved guestbook was attacked and filled with some rather offensive posts. Because of this I've taken the guestbook offline until the perpetrators have been discovered. Sadly such a system for accepting external submissions is open to 'spam' attacks, so I may not be able to reopen the guestbook. Fear not folks - the two people that conducted the attacks will be found.
The item in question sold was an "Edgar's Opti 90" reddot scope, and it was the only one sold that day. If you know this fellow, or are this fellow, please do get in contact with Steve (telephone 01524 263 435) ASAP. There's nothing sinister about the need to contact this specific customer, it's just that MasterChief's have some good news for him. ^_^ |
Emails 1/2 done: 244 emails to go. :) There's still a bunch more emails for me to get through and type replies to - I'll get to the end shortly folks!
Airsoft promo video: Wayne (aka NiCeAzNGuY) of Team SNAG has sent in news of a new promo video that they've just finished work on (cheers Wayne). The video is roughly 3 megs in size (about a 10-15 min download on a 56k modem) and requires a Windows system to play the movie. Here's what Wayne had to say: "...Our team, SNAG Airsoft (based in Southern California, USA) have some promo vids, and I wanted to share this first one with the entire airsoft community. Movie by: lllDJXlll (Team Lt.- SNAG Airsoft)..."
BlackHawk moving: BlackHawk has just moved to new premises- thanks to James Elliot (aka Walking_target) of the WASPS (http://www.waspteam.co.uk) for this bit of news. Here's what James received today after making an order last Friday "******BLACKHAWK INDUSTRIES HAS JUST RELOCATED OUR CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS. OUR SHIPPING DEPARTMENT WILL BE CLOSED FROM 6/28/02 THROUGH 7/5/02. OUR SHIPPING DEPARTMENT WILL RESUME 7/8/2002****"