The reviews are written by friends, collegues and readers who have been kind enough to write and submit an article about their personal replica(s). The intention is to put forward a personal point of view, which will hopefully be informative and useful. If you have a review, and would like it to appear here, please get in touch with us. We try to keep the size for each page down to a minimum, so all images are edited and compressed to make them as small as reasonably possible.

Note: In order to reduce the size of the review pages (and to keep our 56k'rs happy out there) I have put each review section on different pages, you can find these sections below:

Review Sections

Other Bits and Pieces

Thermold Hi-Cap Review
by Arnie
Guarder MOD Body Armour
by Comega - Team AWA
Abbey Supply Ltd - Airsoft gas and lubricant products
by Arnie
SM Services Multi 8 Charger
by Permian
Black Hawk Hellstorm SOLAG Assault Glove
By Paul Whelan aka Paulo
GB-Tech SOPMOD Metal M203 Outer Barrel
by Permian
SunProject M203
by Permian
G&P 130rnd M16 'Mid caps'
by Mark 'Blondie' Ormerod.
Guarder M4A1 Commando (Model 933) Steel Outer Barrel
by Permian
PLCE ’95 DPM Pattern Webbing
Alinco DJ-SR1
by Permian
Bolle T-800 Tactical Goggles
by Permian
ANGS 40mm Grenade Review Version I
by Permian
FIRST M16 Side Sling Mount
by Permian
ANGS replica AN/PEQ-2A
by Specwarguy Will
ClassicArmy scopes
by Wolf Armouries

review by 'The Edge'

review by DumboRAT

Oakley Assault A-Frame
review by Arnie

ESS Tactical TurboCAM
review by Arnie

TT Thigh-Holster (Flecktarn)
review by Hobbles

Airsoft Elite BBs
review by Arnie

Tanio Koba M11A1 Silencer
review by Dr Strangelove
M90 Rattlesnake Tactical Light
by Simon Poon (aka Wibb)

CO2 Powerlet Adapter
review by Arnie

Copia Finder
review and imagery by Arnie
Blackhawk R.A.C.K v/s Guarder M.O.D by Comega and Lee
Pictures of MOD courtesy of Ramraid.
BlackHawk Industries
Omega Tactical Vest: Cross Draw

written by James Elliott
(aka Walking Target)
MultiComProPMR446 Radio
review by madaboutairsoft
(with customers feedback)
BLOK DPM Helmet "preview"
review and imagery by Arnie
Swat Deluxe Bag
review by Charlie Omega
Eye Protection Glasses (2001 version)
made by Guarder/Intrudershop

reviewed by Arnie
PDL SoftAir Fragmentation Effect Grenade
manufactured by Pensieri Di Leonardo
reviewed by

Smokey's Gunworks M4/16 Flip up Front Site
by Smokey's Gunworks

reviewed by Darren-Jon Ashmore (aka Nautilus)

MP5/G3 Large Tactical Handguard
made by Guarder/Intrudershop

reviewed by Arnie

Motorola Talkabout 200
Alex Climas of the DolphiNs

Inner Barrel Set for the Moscart Grenade system (by Nautilus)

'moscart' review page (by Nautilus)

by Darren-Jon Ashmore (aka Nautilus)

First Factory - Front 14mm Rail Attachment System

Darren-Jon Ashmore (aka Nautilus)

MP5 Tactical Grips - a comparison

English version kindly translated by Roy
Original Chinese version here

Here with the kind help of:Click here to visit Guarder

Glock 17 Images

TM Glock 17 springer

review and images by Arnie

Firefly RedDot Scope

Firefly 2x20 RedDot Scope

review and images by Arnie

This page last updated Monday, November 11, 2002 7:52 PM
Copyright 2002 Arnie'sAirsoft