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Posts posted by Grindstone

  1. Most painful shot ever experienced.... I think it actually broke part of the cartilage in my ear as I can still feel a dent where it hit 2 weeks later....


    I've recieved almost the same exact wound four years ago. I still have a thick bump in my ear where the cartilage scarred up.

    But it wasn't as painful as when I was shot in the nipple...

  2. Unfortunately, I didn't get a direct answer when I asked. He did try to get me to buy an M16/DMR RAP4 thing that was meant to be used in "Franklin and Bash" (I never heard of the show before). He's got a thread up on GGI with mentionings of Terminator Salvation, 24, Transformers, Jarhead, Pirates of the Carribean, Star Wars (did you know the Jawas used modified Enfields?) and other films, big and small including MW2: Frozen Crossing.

    Really quite interesting stuff. As I understand it, airsofts are much cheaper and easier (logistically and legally) to obtain, maintain, and utilize than blank-firing. And with modern VFX, you wouldn't know the difference. He also makes rubber/resin casts for non-functioning props.


    Also, a great seller to deal with :D

  3. Issued, I take it?

    Love my issued polypro and flight longjohns. Now, if only I could get back to the size I was when they were issued :D

    What do you fellows wear under/with your duty uniform for cold weather?

  4. I know I've asked this a couple of times in other places, What Holster will fit a KWA/KSC G19?

    I've been using mag pouches but afew times diving etc I've lost it several times, Would it fit a G17/G22 holster? I'm looking for something like a SERPA or a KYDEX one... Any ideas?

    KSC/KWA G19s generally fit in any holster made for a G19, and even G17/18. I used to carry my KWA G19 in a BHI G17 SERPA.

    • Like 1
  5. At least that is more steel(?) on the WE.


    Unfortunately, the PMC AKM has about as much potmetal part as a Cyma...(aluminum barrel this time...).

    Steel on the mag? The only steel they need is the case. The internals of the mags for the rest of their lineup are fine. Still doesn't justify spending almost $60 on a mag. This ain't no WA.


    I don't expect the internals to be made from super strong tungsten carbide, but as long as the externals are just as good as most of the AK AEGs on the market, I'd be fine with it. The only issue I ever had was when I broke the threading off of a CYMA AKM barrel, trying to remove the orange muzzle. Pro-tip: heat the glue first.

  6. I'll be sure to bow to the superior and infinite wisdom of Kalashnikov, who, after using t-34 modified with a long stroke gas piston to look into the future and see the wonderful things we put on rifles today, decided that his rifle should never have the ability to mount anything that could possibly be useful and that everyone who uses it needs to cling to 60 year old ideas.



    Classic rifles have their place, as do tacticool rifles. Everyone has a personal taste.


    More pics pls?

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