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Posts posted by Nickona

  1. Thanks for highlighting it, I actually read my source wrong and have just dropped that bit as trying to work it out got confusing an that section was for the official names or full names.


    As mentioned its standard with MARSOC when with the ANA, but lots of countries use M81 or some version of it.

    I just focused on the main user from the origin country as if we get onto all the different countries that sue it and what versions etc the DPM section would be several pages long. Hence why there's no users section


    With regards to USN and USAF as with A-TACS I am going with the general standard issue, just simplifies things

  2. Thanks a lot


    I know the polish have been dabbling in A-TACS but its not standard nor widely issued so I left it out otherwise the list would be very long and complex and I had to draw the line somewhere.

    I believe the photos of A-TACS were during the unrest but like above, not standard or widely issued. I've seen pics of Ukraine soldiers with DDPM loadbearing recently but don't make it wide spread


    Zimbabwe's new pattern is based on the Rhodie kit but the colour order is different with the brown over the green so not the same pattern. Its also probably rarer than the original

  3. "9mm P" should be in italics as well and i think that whole inscription should be moved slightly to the right ;)

    nice job though


    Yea I think the P should be italiced looking at it again.. the hardest part is trying to find the right font/ The Z was made from scratch




    cool man, the logo on the grip is really nicely done. did you grind off the old and and then re-engrave it somehow?


    Its not actually engraved.. its all been photoshopped to where it would need to be. But yes the plan is to grind the area down. The M( I am getting has no trades on it so should be easy enough to do

  4. Price guide on SADF kit can be really hard as it fluctuates so much.


    The chest rigs can go for anywhere between £20 and £100. If i remember I paid £25 for mine but £25 to £35 is a good, fair price.

    Again where you can buy from varies a lot as its much more militaria than general field equipment. eBay is normally a best bet as most in the UK is held by private collectors. Alternatively I know GBF Militaria stock some currently and I've ordered from them before and they're top quality. 

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